Fuck you lauren.

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Camila- The police have been searching for 3 months.

Camila- Apparently they found your DNA on a park bench down by your house, but that's the only thing they have so far

Camila- Miami PD fucking suck

Camila- I'm flying out in a week or so, I'll look for you.

Camila- I know you'll come back, you promised me you'd never leave, we made a pact lo, you were safe with me. We were okay.

*the next day*

Camila- They found a body this morning, in the river by the air port.

Camila- They say it's a female but they can't identify the body just yet. Your mother is going to the morgue later today.

Camila- It's not you. It can't be you. I promise you that you were safe. I fucking promised.

Camila- fuck you Lauren!!!!! Fuck you for making me fall in love with you and then fucking disappearing

Camila- I hate you.

Camila- I fucking love you.

Camila- please, just text me, call me, email me, anything!! Do it before your mother goes to the morgue, save her from going there because I know you're alive. You have to be.

Sent. (Camren) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now