The truth

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Lauren- Ally.. Brads here and camilas on her way home what do I tell her

Ally- The truth maybe? Lo there's no point in lying babe

Lauren- But she thinks I've been single for the past 5 years!!

Ally- Then explain why you told her you were. It was w part of your life that you're trying to forget about and didn't feel comfortable sharing it because memories would resurface

Lauren-I'm so nervous al... What if she thinks I'm weak, or pathetic because of what happened?

Ally- Lauren Michelle jauregui. What happened to you was not your fault!! You were stuck in a toxic relationship and managed to get out. You're a fucking fighter don't EVER let what happened to you define you or belittle you. Got it?

Lauren- I just don't want her to leave... I really like her ally, I don't want to make her mad

Ally- If this information makes her mad at you and not at Brad then she isn't the girl you want. You need somebody with the same views, values and mindset and if she judges you because of
Brads behaviour towards you then she's no where near close to having the same values as you.

Lauren- She's here.... I love you so much ally, I'll get back to you?

Ally- Stay safe. And make sure
Chris or your father is around at the same time as Brad...

Sent. (Camren) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now