The end.

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Camila- It was you.

Camila- I've barely been able to breathe for the past 3 days... Sorry for the lack of texts

Camila- I keep sending these hoping that you'll text back but you won't. You're gone, somebody took your life before you could even live it.

Camila- We'll find the person that did this Lauren I swear

Camila- I love you so much, I can't believe you're really gone.
Its like any minute you'll walk through the door, bagel in hand and cream cheese all over your face. Or a crazy text with a sarcastic comment will come through


it was your funeral today, everyone came by to say goodbye. Your parents looked... Dead. They didn't have the same look to them anymore, and Normani and ally didn't even look at one another. Everyone is broken Lauren, seriously we fucking miss you.

Camila- I love you so much, I wish I'd have told you that more, I wish I'd have held you more, kissed you more...


Camila- I wrote you a song, the week you went missing, it was number one today, you'd have loved it

Camila- It's called in case... I hate it

Camila- I hate it because when I wrote that song I had hope you'd come back,
But you won't,
You're never fucking coming back

Camila- I'll see you again one day baby girl. I promise. Just wait for me okay?


Lauren- The number you have dialled has been deactivated.

That's it!! I'm so sorry about the underwhelming ending but I had an idea and ran with it!-Marleigh❤️

Sent. (Camren) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now