01. wtf is this???

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nothisiskai has logged on.

nothisiskai added xxredteletubbyxx, bishimasuperstar, fvckakira, and goddessuruha to the chat.

nothisiskai: Hey guys~~~~!

xxredteletubbyxx: What is this? Why was I added? What's going on???

bishimasuperstar: Ru just wtf is your username?
bishimasuperstar: You going through a phase or something?

xxredteletubbyxx: Haha. That's a /real/ knee slapper, Yuu. 😒

fvckakira: I think it's cute.

xxredteletubbyxx: Ty ヽ( ╯∀╰)人(╯∀╰ )ノ

goddessuruha: Sooooo is anyone going to explain why I had to be woken up for a group chat?
goddessuruha: I'm wasting hours fyi.

fvckakira: Kouyou why tf do you have 'goddess' in your username??

goddessuruha: I didn't want to restrict my beauty to that of a god.
goddessuruha: AlsoBecauseThatUserWasAlreadyTaken.

fvckakira: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

xxredteletubbyxx: #stopkouyou2k16

bishimasuperstar: I literally have no idea what is going on, so if anyone wants to explain why we've been randomly added, I'll been waiting.


xxredteletubbyxx: //cACKLES

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xxredteletubbyxx: //cACKLES

goddessuruha: Lmao. That perfectly describes you, Yuu.


bishimasuperstar: Damn Rei

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bishimasuperstar: Damn Rei. Did you make that one up yourself?

nothisiskai: Alright that's enough. If you really wanted to know I added you.
nothisiskai: I thought that this would a good opportunity for us to chat with each other.

xxredteletubbyxx: But we see each other everyday though..

fvckakira: I was thinking the same thing.

bishimasuperstar: That's a shocker.
bishimasuperstar: Oh wait, no. No it's not.

xxredteletubbyxx: Well someone's got high sodium levels.

goddessuruha: Why so salty, Yuu?

fvckakira: He's just mad because I turned his comment into a meme.

goddessuruha: Oh.
goddessuruha: Get over it then, Yuu.

bishimasuperstar: kOUYOU
bishimasuperstar: I thought you were on my side?

goddessuruha: I'm on nobody's side, but my own.

xxredteletubbyxx: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This ended so badly omf, but oh well there's always next chapter.

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