05. ruki is loved

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nothiskai has added goddessuruha to the chat.

goddessuruha: I see that someone decided to add me back after unjustifiably blocking me ಠ_ಠ

bishimasuperstar: yeah, uh, tbh that was kinda uncalled for..

fvckakira: well you did kinda prevoke him a bit, kouyou

xxredteletubbyxx: it was still pretty mean, akira (; ̄д ̄)

goddessuruha: at least takanori understands my pain

bishimasuperstar: that's because, unlike everyone else in this chat, takanori is somewhat empathic

nothisiskai: #ProtectRuki2k17

xxredteletubbyxx: (>^ω^<)

goddessuruha: we love you, ru 💖

bishimasuperstar: okay, but akira loves him more tbh

fvckakira: 😘

xxredteletubbyxx: aww thanks, i love you guys (o;TωT)o

i'm trying my best to keep this story going, so excuse this very short af part. so yeah. byeee!

- emi

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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