02. y'all have no chill.

757 39 12

xxredteletubbyxx updated their profile picture.

xxredteletubbyxx updated their profile picture

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fvckakira: ...

bishimasuperstar: Ru just wtf...?

goddessuruha: I'm dECEASED

nothisiskai: 😂😂😂

xxredteletubbyxx: What?

bishimasuperstar: Your profile picture.

xxredteletubbyxx: And?

goddessuruha updated their profile picture.

bishimasuperstar: Wtf??bishimasuperstar: KOUYOU

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bishimasuperstar: Wtf??
bishimasuperstar: KOUYOU

nothisiskai: BOOBIES

xxredteletubbyxx: lmfao
xxredteletubbyxx: I'm ded.

fvckakira updated their profile picture.

fvckakira updated their profile picture

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goddessuruha: NOICE

xxredteletubbyxx: 😂😂😂

bishimasuperstar: Not you too, Rei.

nothisiskai updated their profile picture.

nothisiskai updated their profile picture

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goddessuruha: I'm sCREAMING.

fvckakira: I know. I'm literally sitting right next to you with my now bleeding eardrums.

xxredteletubbyxx: I can't breathe 😂👌

goddessuruha: Walk it off and be a man, Akira.

nothisiskai: Where'd Yuu go?

xxredteletubbyxx: Oh yeah. Where is Aoi anyway?

fvckakira: I don't know??

goddessuruha: Did he leave?
goddessuruha: YUU
goddessuruha: Bring your ass back here.

bishimasuperstar updated their profile picture.

bishimasuperstar updated their profile picture

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fvckakira: ...

nothisiskai: •-• ...

xxredteletubbyxx: ...haHAHAHAHAHJNJUBDggfaHahHAHA

fvckakira: I'm not even surprised.

nothisiskai: brb dying 😂😂😂

goddessuruha: well well wELL
goddessuruha: the tables have turned.

bishimasuperstar: Oh be quiet.


I'm going to hell for these lmao, but seriously I'm impressed that I only just released this story last week and it's already almost getting ready to hit 100 reads. I'm glad that you guys are enjoying this because it's obvious that you know that I am. Thanks for reading!

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