not an update, but please read + future plans

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hey guys. i know that's it's been a really long time since i've updated this story and a few others, but that's because i had started college/university back in january and have been /extremely/ busy with assignments.

now, the reason why i'm publishing this quick little a/n is because recently i have been getting comments about the next chapter, when i'm going to update, or if i could write more. which is fine except for the fact that i'm still really busy especially with finals and projects coming up.

i already have chapter 4 in my drafts and almost ready to go, but i can't really publish it until i have all of my important stuff taken care of which is until the second week of may. even then i still might be scarcely updating since i also have a summer job lined up too, so yeah. i really want to update for you guys, but please bear with me since i'm trying the best i can.

also, please don't request or ask if i can write more chapters. it's not that you're saying anything bad or something, it's just that i start to feel guilty because i know that you guys really want this story to continue and i can't even do that.

so yeah, that's about it. see you guys in the next chapter whenever it comes out. later.

- Emi

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