03. because you told me to.

642 36 15

fvckakira: Hey guys, I found out if you type your password, the messenger is gonna censor it! Watch.
fvckakira: *******

xxredteletubbyxx: Cool!
xxredteletubbyxx: *********

nothisiskai: I wanna try!
nothisiskai: ********

goddessuruha: *****
goddessuruha: Lol.

bishimasuperstar: Rei if you're thinking that I'm going to fall for that then you're wrong.

goddessuruha: Ah c'mon Yuu.
goddessuruha: Don't be such a party pooper.

fvckakira: I'm not lying! It really does work. Try it.

xxredteletubbyxx: We all did it and it worked so yeah.

nothisiskai: Just try it, Yuu.

bishimasuperstar: And make myself look stupid? Yeah no. I'll pass.

goddessuruha: You're no fun!

fvckakira: I swear that it really works! Would I ever lie to you, Yuu?

bishimasuperstar: Yes.
bishimasuperstar: You've actually had three times.

fvckakira: What exactly have I lied to you about?

bishimasuperstar: Hm, let's see. How about when lost my favorite pick and pretended that you had no idea what I was talking about?

bishimasuperstar: Or when you spilled coke on my floor?

nothisiskai: Okay guys that's enough.

fvckakira: Look I'm sorry okay? I promise that this time I'm 100% honest.

bishimasuperstar: You promise?

fvckakira: I swear on Ruki's height that I'm not lying.

xxredteletubbyxx: HEY.
xxredteletubbyxx: Akira that was uncalled for ('Д' )

fvckakira: Sorry Ru.

xxredteletubbyxx: (';ω;')

bishimasuperstar: ...fine.
bishimasuperstar: ImAStarAGreatBigShiningStar01

fvckakira: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

bishimasuperstar: I hate you.


I've been looking up too many memes lmao.

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