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Maya's Pov

No no no no no. Not him, anyone but him.
"Ohmygoshareyouokayimsosorryforrammingintoyouimusuallysocarefull," bookshelf boy spits out as fast as the flash.

I take a step back from him and nod at the ground, as if the question had come from there. I feel warm hands graze the top of my forehead and I feel my cheeks heating up again. Once his fingers graze over the cut that had suddenly appeared I wince in pain.

"Oh god. Sorry," he removes his hand away from my face apologetically.
"I'm Lucas, you know, the guy who creepily stared at you in Katy's store then almost got you killed," Lucas sends me a friendly smile.
I begin to introduce myself, but I stop myself and hold my tongue. Instead, I pull out my cracked iPhone 4 and show him my school schedule that has my name on it.

"Oh you're Maya? I've heard of you, they said we were getting a student who was mute, but I didn't imagine they would be as pretty as you,".

My stupid cheeks begin to feel hot again, making me look like a freaking red pepper.
"I can show you the way to school, as long as you don't sue me for putting your life in danger then saving it," Lucas mumbles.

I scoff at his joke then smile at him. He shrugs his shoulders, and i nod at him to lead the way. He turns the opposite way I was heading to earlier, figurers. When we approach the school, Lucas explains that the school had invested in bars on the windows, because a kid ditched class escaping from a window last year. And that's why the school looks like a big, old, prison. I silently question myself on what we would do in case of a fire, but am interrupted by a swarm of squealing girls.

"Heeyyyyy Lucas!"
"Oh my god your eyes are soooo green!!"
"Date me."
"Marry me!"
"De-flower me!"

I'm suddenly pushed out of the circle that had formed around Lucas. I stumble and almost lose my balance, but someone catches me before I make a fool of myself.

"Woah there blondie, watch yourself," a girl with long dark brown hair and blue tips says.
"I'm Melanie, and this is Riley," Melanie points to a very cheerful looking girl waving behind her. They both were very beautiful with Riley's deep pools of brown for eyes, and Melanie's gorgeous hair and body. I was intimidated.
"What's your na-"
Riley's cut off bye Lucas appearing behind me,
"Maya, her name's," he takes a moment to pant," Maya,".

He places his hand on my shoulder and hangs his head down to rest a bit, still panting.
"How long did you have to run today to get away from Missy?"

"5 laps around the school, I lost her around 4 but I ran another just to make sure," Lucas states as if it were blatantly normal. The warning bell rings and Melanie shows me to my first class. It was science. Yay.

When I find my seat, class was just starting. I sit in the back left corner, then set my stuff down quietly. Everyone's on their phones, including the teacher, so I decide just to read my book. Today I was reading The Lightening Thief. And I was excited, because I had seen the movies, just not the books. I start reading and get to about chapter 2 when I hear this kid shouting,
"Hey Hamilton, who's that?"

I feel eyes upon me and I took a quick glance to see that the whole classroom was no longer looking on their phones, but staring at me. The teacher fumbles around on his desk looking for his attendance sheet.
"Mia? May? Maya! Maya that's right. Maya could you please stand up for the class."

I do as I'm told and stand up, my hands shaking uncontrollably. I look at the ground and study it. Guys are snickering at me, girls gossiping too. Trying to tame my hands I twiddle my thumbs,

"Maya, so why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself," yells a guy in front. The class erupts in laughter as I shift my feet, my lip quivering a bit.
"Is there anything you'd like to say to the class Maya?" A girl in front of me asks. Now everyone's roaring in laughter and snooty remarks. Even the teacher starts to chuckle at some of the nasty comments. At this point my eyes are glazed over and tears, but I'm stronger than this. You've been through way worse Maya, they've said worse things, so why does this hurt still? Just as I thought maybe I could get over it a girl comes over to me and places her hand on my chin,
"I'm Maya, I'm mute and I have no friends because I'm a speechless nobody!" She moves my jaw open and closed along with her hurtful words. With that I ripped away from her grasp and ran out of the room.

Tears were spread everywhere across my face. It still was my first day so I have no freaking idea where the bathroom is. So crying, I run into the first hidden place I see, the janitors closet. I run in and slam the door then slide down it. I bring my knees to my chest and start sobbing hard, harder than I had ever before. If they knew what happened, if they knew why you can't, they wouldn't be laughing. The thought of why I can't speak makes me sob harder, my throat is sore, and my eyes sting from all my tears.

"Maya?" A muffled voice from outside the door asks. I don't say anything, but I move away from the door.
"I'm coming in," Lucas comes through the janitor door and sees me. His facial expression went three ways.
1st. Worried:
he rushed to my side and engulfed me in a hug.
"Hey shh, are you okay?"
I nod into his chest trying to convince him and myself I was okay. But I soon gave that up and just cried into Lucas's chest.
2nd. Apologetic:
"I'm so sorry, the kids at this school are jerks, I know they are. I used to be just as bad as them. Maybe even worse," Lucas inquires.

I pull away from his chest and furrow my eyebrows at him. That's when his third look had come into play, a look I know all too well.



WOW 1080 words guys! This is a long chapter but I really like writing about sweet Lucas. So the next chapter we'll find out what he lost, or who. What do you think he lost? Comment what you think!
Ok byeeee~Kat😘

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