Chapter 2

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Melanie stood in her living room, vacuuming up the black dog hair that had accumulated in her white carpet. Not that it made much of a difference. This was probably the 80th time she'd vacuumed today alone. She'd been cleaning and tidying up the house all day today in attempt to make it look like her life wasn't a complete disaster at the moment. Melanie wanted everything to look like it was completely fine and going really well, even though it really wasn't.

Fred then starts barking.

Melanie turns off the vacuum and unplugs it

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Melanie turns off the vacuum and unplugs it.

"Sadie, do you have everything you need?!" Melanie calls up the stairs as the begins to gather the cord of the vacuum together.

"I can't find Peanut!" Sadie calls.

There's a knock on the door. Melanie shoves the vacuum into the closet.

"It's open!" She calls.

Johnathan Armanski, Melanie's now ex-husband and Sadie's father steps in.

This was the first time they'd seen each other since the divorce had been made final.

John was a red-head, just like Melanie and Sadie were. He had a small scruff on his face, dark eyes and a sideways smile that Melanie had always thought was so charming on him. Now, it gave her goosebumps, and not in a good way. John walks in and puts his hands in his pockets before nodding to Melanie. (A/N: Yes, it's Klaus from The Originals, shut up.)

"Hello, Melanie

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"Hello, Melanie." He says, his voice deep and smooth.

"Hi." Melanie says, stepping behind John to shut the front door. As she does, she sees Chris pull up to the house in his car. He rolls his car window down and raises his eyebrows to Melanie in questioning. Melanie makes a slashing motion across her throat with her hand. Chris just nods and drives off.

Melanie shuts the door and turns around to find John kneeling, petting Fred with that sideways smile on his face.

"Oh, I've missed you too, buddy." John says to the dog.

"Sadie should be ready any minute." Melanie says before again calling upstairs, "Sadie, your dad is here!"

"I still can't find Peanut!"

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