Chapter 22

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"Hey, bitch."

"'Sup, dickbag."

"How are you guys?"

"Pretty good, actually. How's tour life?"

"Exhausting and exciting, this one is really fun. How'd Sadie like the beach? I saw on Instagram."

"Oh, we had fun! We don't do that kind of stuff very often and I thought it would be a fun distraction for the day. It's not really beach season yet seeing as it's April, but we've been going through kind of a heat wave so we thought we'd go."

"That's nice. Who was the guy in the photo."


"Who's he?"

"A friend of mine. I'm so sorry I have friends other than you." Melanie says, dramatically.

Chris laughs awkwardly, "Yeah, no, that's cool. So is he like, a close friend of yours?"

"Uuhhh, yeah. I know him from work. I've been friends with him and his husband for forever now."

Chris' gut sinks.

"O-Oh, yeah, that-that's great!"

"Chris, you didn't think that I was like...seeing him, did you?"

"What? No. Clearly the two of you are just friends and even if you weren't, why would it concern me? You're a single woman and have total freedom to date guys that you meet at beaches or at work."

There's a long pause. Chris began to question why he'd even called Melanie in the first place.



"Are you okay?"

"Totally! Never better!"


Chris sighs, "So, what are you and Sadie doing today?"

"We're going to see Ryan Ashley at the shop. Sadie has been bugging the shit out of me to go there."

Chris manages a smile, "I'm sure she'll have fun there."

"Yeah, she will...Are you sure you're okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine, Mel."

"Okay...I'm gonna get going then."

"Okay. Tell me what you buy her!"

Melanie laughs, "I will. Bye, loser."


They hang up.

Chris puts both of his hands over his face, "Oh my God..."


Melanie and Sadie walk into The Strange and Unusual. Sadie wore a bright yellow sundress. It was April and they were going through a heatwave, so the weather was quite perfect for Sadie wanting to wear a dress. Casper and Toronto run over to greet Melanie and Sadie, and Ryan Ashley walks over with a smile.

"Hey, you two." She says, hugging them, "How are you?"

"We're good, how are you?" Melanie asks.

"I'm great! Are you guys missing the boys as much as I am?"

"Yeah! I miss Chris so much!" Sadie says. She then bends down to pet the dogs.

"Why don't you play with the dogs and take a look around to see if there's anything you like? Your mom and I will be over here." Ryan Ashley says, pulling Melanie to the side.

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