Chapter 17

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When he returned from tour, Chris was ready to be home, but his first stop was Melanie's.

Melanie had informed Chris that she had actually gotten off of work on time for once and was able to pick up Sadie from school, so Chris was free to come over to their house whenever he was ready. Chris pulls up to the house and smiles, eager to see them. Fred was out laying on the porch and perks up when he sees Chris and runs over, excitedly.

"Hey, buddy. C'mon, let's go inside."

Chris walks in without knocking and unclips Fred from his chain. Chris shuts the door behind him.

"Hello!" He calls.

Chris then hears a gasp from upstairs. Sadie then run down as fast as she can and jumps into Chris' arms.


Chris laughs, "Hey, you." He says, hugging her and kissing her cheek. He spins her around the room, causing her laughs to fill the air. He then stops and Sadie wraps her arms and legs around him. Chris didn't even need to hold onto her; she just stuck to him like a wet bathing suit.

"Where's your mother?" Chris asks.

"In her room. She said she was cleaning. I could hear her little mini vacuum cleaner. Mom! Chris is here!" Sadie calls.

"Oh shi - hang on! I'll be down in a sec!"

Chris laughs, "Did she forget I was coming?"

"You said you'd be here at five, it's only four."

"Oh. I guess traffic isn't as bad as I thought it would be."

Melanie walks down in a sweatshirt and jeans and she smiles, "You're early."


"I'm not complaining, now c'mere."

Chris sets Sadie down and hugs Melanie for a long time, happy to be with her again. When they come apart, his eyes widen.

"Oh, shit, I have flowers for you; they're in the car."

Melanie laughs, "No worries, dork."

"Mom, do you want me to feed the dog?"

"Yes, please."

Sadie walks off to feed Fred. Once she's out of ear shot, Chris narrows his eyes at Melanie.

"You were not cleaning."

"What? Yes, I was."

"No, you weren't, I can tell by how red your cheeks are." He says before smirking, "You were using the birthday present I got you, weren't you?"

Melanie crosses her arms and shifts her weight to one leg, "It's been a while for me, okay?"

Chris puts his hands up in surrender, "Aye, I'm not judging. You want me to come back later so you can finish?"

"No, that's fine, I...already did."

Chris' eyebrows shoot up, "Haven't you only been home for like, ten minutes?"

"I just said it's been a while! Girls can finish quick too, sometimes. I had to be quick too 'cause Sadie's here. And with being married to John, I kind of had to learn to finish quickly, or at least act like it."

Chris' hands fly to his mouth to stop himself from laughing.

"What? I heard my name." Sadie says, walking back into the room.

"Nothing, we were just talking about how happy I am to be back here with you guys." Chris lies before sticking his tongue out at Melanie. She does it back.

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