Chapter 10

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Melanie walked into Chris' house after work to pick up Sadie. She'd gotten called into work and Sadie was still on winter break from school, and since it wasn't a Wednesday, Melanie didn't want Sadie with John. They'd already been planning to be with Chris anyway, so Chris volunteered to watch Sadie while Melanie left. Melanie was extremely relieved to have Chris back again to help out with Sadie. As guilty as Melanie felt for Chris spending so much time on her and Sadie, they really did need him now.

When Melanie walked into the house, it was decorated not only with left over Christmas decorations, but streamers and a corny paper banner that read 'Happy Birthday!'.

Melanie laughs, "Really?"

Chris and Sadie both them jump out of the other room, "Surprise!" They shout in unison.

Melanie smiles, "You guys didn't have to do this."

"Yes we did!" Sadie says.

Chris walks up to Melanie, "It's your birthday, we had to do something. We're gonna have some fun and give you gifts - although, you're not gonna wanna open my gift in front of Sadie."


Chris just smirks.

Melanie narrows her eyes at him, "So help me, Cerulli, if you got me a vibrator I will kick your ass."

"You're welcome."


The rest of the holiday season came and went with the new year. Melanie didn't often go along with the whole "New Years resolutions" thing, but she was hoping that 2017 would bring her and Sadie some new beginnings and new opportunities. God knows they'd need it.

Now, Chris lay in bed, flat on his back, staring at the ceiling. This was the part of his off-tour life that he hated. He was home and he wasn't writing an album. He could go out and do anything he wanted, and yet he didn't want to do anything at all. Melanie and Sadie were likely going to come over this afternoon, but that still wouldn't be for a while from now. Nevertheless, he supposed he should clean himself up and get the house straightened up a bit. That would at least give him something to do. As he sat up, his phone began to ring. It was Melanie.

Chris answers his phone, "Hello?"

"Hey, loser. I just got a body brought in for me and it's a doosey. I don't suppose you can get my kid from school for me, can you?"

"I can if you need me to."

"Awesome, thank you. I'll be there as soon as I can. You know what to do."

"I do indeed, it's no problem, Mel."


Chris arrived at the school actually at the time that the kids were supposed to be picked up. Most of the other parents there looked at Chris as if he were from another planet, but he didn't care. By now, he was used to it. Sadie smiled as he saw him, and she dashed to his car and got into the front seat.

"Hi, Chris." Sadie says, climbing into the front seat and shutting the car door. She set her backpack on the floor in front of her and buckled herself in.

"Hey, kiddo. How was school?"


Chris drives off, "What music do you wanna listen to today?"

Sadie shrugs, "I don't care."

Chris raises an eyebrow, "Are you okay?"


There's a pause.

"Are we going to your house today?" Sadie asks.

"Yeah, at least until your mom gets back."

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