Chapter 27 (Explicit Content)

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The next day.

Melanie piles things from the shelves of her closet into boxes. She keeps a smile on her face, unable to believe that any of this was actually happening, but happier than she'd ever been in probably her entire life. 

Melanie looks over at her husband, who was helping her back.

She and Chris had simply decided to get married at City Hall the night before. It was done. And they were both completely overjoyed.

Once they finished up, they ran over to Sadie's friend's house to pick up Sadie before going home. That night on the couch before they fell asleep, Chris and Melanie talked a lot about what they planned to do and overall decided that Melanie and Sadie and Fred would go to Chris' house. His house was bigger and was in a good neighborhood, and was actually a little bit closer to Sadie's school than Melanie's house was. They then fell asleep.     

However, the following morning was a bit of an adventure.

Melanie woke up on the couch on Chris' shoulder. Sadie was passed out on Chris' lap and Chris was also asleep. Melanie smiles as memories from the night before begin to flood her mind...and then her gut fell. Melanie scrambled for her clutch and got her phone out. 

"Oh my God." Melanie said before beginning to shake Sadie awake, "Sadie, honey, get up, get up!"

Sadie opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times. Chris' eyes opened too and he looked to Melanie.

"What's up?" He asked.

"We overslept! I've gotta get her to school!"

"Am I gonna be late?" Sadie asks.

"Not if you're really fast. Go upstairs, get dressed and brush your teeth, I'll get you an apple or something for breakfast 'cause we've gotta go."

Sadie nodded and ran upstairs to change. Melanie got off the couch and went to the pile of shoes next to the front door, putting on the first pair of shoes she could find, which happened to be a pair of sneakers. She was still in her dress from the night before.

"Are you guys gonna be able to make it in time?" Chris asked.

"We should be able to just  make it if we hurry. I won't be long, I'm just gonna drop her off and I'll come back."

Once dressed and ready, Sadie gets in the car and so does Melanie, then they drove off. Melanie was just then coming to the realization of how ridiculous she probably looked in a cocktail dress and sneakers with messy hair and slightly smeared makeup. She supposed there wasn't anything she could do about it. Sadie had been so tired last night and was so focused on getting to school right now that she didn't even think to ask Melanie about hers and Chris' night. Sadie had helped Chris pick out the engagement ring, so she knew all about what was to happen. However, in their rushed state, that was the last thing on Sadie's mind. 

Melanie got to the school just in time, as predicted, and Sadie dashed out of the car.

"Bye, Mom!"

"Bye, sweetie! Have a good day!"

Melanie then drove off, ready to get home. She took a minute to process everything. Sadie had gotten to school on time, so that was one thing Melanie didn't need to worry about.

She had work!

Melanie stopped her car at a stop sign and hit her head against the steering wheel in frustration. Work was the literal last thing Melanie wanted right now. She'd just gotten married in a crazy rush and she and Chris still had so much to do and talk about. There was no way Melanie could be trusted to focus on correctly slicing open dead bodies in her state of mind, so she took it upon herself to say "fuck it" and call in work to take a personal day.

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