Chapter 12: Happy

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Your POV

You looked at Dark, angry. He had to watch you all the time. Then, you blacked out, holding your head in aganee. All you could see was a black void. Then, someone came out of the shadows, just like Dark, but this time, it was you. You had purple eyes and an evil smile. She laughed. You knew what to do. You ran at her and fought her. You knew none would win because you were both the same, but you didn't realize she had powers. She punched and fought, but when you got stronger, she used her powers to knock you down. She went for you for the final blow until... you felt something.

You blacked out again as you felt something warm on your face. Everything turned white, then you opened your eyes. Dark's eyes closed in front of your open ones. Something warm reminated from your mouth. It was Dark's. You hesitated but closed your eyes. You kissed back. This only lasted for a few seconds, but it lasted for ages in your mind. When you guys seperated, you were happy and a tomato. He was cotton candy. (Sorry in a food mood :3). You knew now that you loved him and he loved you. You were happy.

(I'm very sorry that these are so short. I've been really busy with school and stuff. Since I've been gone and I feel bad, I wanted to ask you guys about an idea I the next one. Bye!:3)

The Darkness Sings (Darkiplier or Mark x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now