Chapter 27: Marks Demon

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(You guys voted and now we know who will be in the void to help you! Enjoy! :D)

Your POV

You got in position again and started thinking about Dark. You held in tears (I know, so sad all the time) as you teleported Dark there. You open your eyes to see Dark staring at you in astonishment. You smiled and hugged him. He hugged you back. "I- um... why did you bring me hear?," He asked. "You have to get me out of hear before all of the light power dies with me," you said trying to stay calm. He gasped. "Why would you do that for me?," He asked. "I couldn't live with myself anymore. It was either die because of this or die because of myself," you said, sadly admitting the truth. He hugged you which seemed to make you so happy. You took a deep breath. "Are you ready?," You asked calming down.

He silently nods as you guys get in position. You both close your eyes as you feel your power flow out of your hands. Your power intertwined with his (Ying and Yang! No? Okie...). When you opened your eyes, you could see a swirling portal of black and white. You then start to feel very weak. You realize you can't walk. Dark catches you before you hit the ground. He carried you bridal style through the portal. You guys were now at Vidcon which was luckily empty.

You looked at him and smiled. He smiled back. He set you down and walked over to Mark. He was...passed out?! You didn't leave him like that! "What happened?," You asked worriedly. "He...," Dark sighed. "He looked at me in anger. 'This is all your fault,' he said. 'She's gone because of you!,' he yelled much louder. I tried to calm him down, but nothing worked. I then looked in his eyes as it went from normal to blood red. I realized what happened. A demon took him over, but I didn't know who. He seemed familiar though. The way he acted...I don't know. I shot at him and he fell to the ground," Dark explained to you as he looked at Mark with sorrow.

You then checked his pulse. There it was! It was slow, but still there. You realized what you had to do. You had to revive him, but you remembered the demon inside him. You could take the demon out, but he might dir without medical attention. Dark didn't have this kind of power. You scaned Mark to see how strong his demon is. You got everything. His power is 69% evil, which is pretty strong. His strong level from 1-10 is a 7 and Dark is a 6.5. If you or Dark tried to take him down, you would need something strong, which might kill Mark. He isn't the smartest in the world at a 54% it smarts. Now, you have to decide...

(I hope you liked this new part! Another decision! Now, should you revive him, but have a chance of fighting him and you or Dark dir or Mark OR take the demon out which might kill Mark without medical help. You decide! I hope you have a good day/night! Bye!💖)

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