Chapter two

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   First period ended so I started to head to second period chemistry

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   First period ended so I started to head to second period chemistry.Willow already left since her class is in the other side of the building so now I have to walk alone and believe me my anxiety is so high right now. I entered the class and sat at the very end where now one usually sat. As I saw boys coming I always said stuff like please don't sit by me please don't sit by me luckily they didn't I prefer a girl sit by me.

I just waited till the class ranged meaning class started. The teacher started to take attendance. As she called role people were staring at me again my anxiety was killing me. She called my name and I said here moments later everyone stopped staring at me and the teacher began the lesson when she finished telling the kids what to do she told me about the class and what I needed for this class after that I just stayed at my seat bored.

Finally the bell ranged yes! I have Willow for my next class. As I walked to my class I got lost but I saw my locker so I decided to open it to leave all the books I needed they were making my backpack heavy. I struggled a little bit but I opened it at the second time. I put my books and left to my class. I heard the bell rang oh great I'm late on the first day. I found my class and just stared at the door knob this is going to be awkward and embarrassing I opened the knob and entered the classroom

The teacher looked at me lowering her glasses. Everyone's attention was to me.

"Hey I believe you are Mrs. Blackwood and you're late to you first day of class"she looked at me

"Sorry I was lost"I said

"Just take a seat near Jowany, Jowany raise you hand"she said a cute like cute boy raised his hand oh great I am so going to embarrass my self infront of him I sat down and put my backpack in my side since the chemistry tables were black and only for two people. I put my right hand in my cheek using it as support for my head. I tried to avoid him

"Ok class today you are going to continue your experiments you did with your partner unless you didn't have one and you did it yourself"she looked at Juwany

"The materials are already at your desk follow instructions and put on safety you may begin"she said oh great now I have to talk

It was just a awkward moment of silence until he spoke

"Sooo... What your name?"he asked me

"Umm grace"I said and felt my checks heat up oh great nice first impression Grace

Then it was silent again I looked at the paper for instructions and noticed we were doing a type of activated liquid if you put on baking soda it will fizz and melt. I saw liquids and solids I grabbed a tube with a red liquid and saw that was the first ingredient I pour it in the big mixing tube then I grabbed the alkaselter pill and put half of it in I saw it fuzz up as soon as it finished I put the alcohol

"How do you now what do do"he asked me

"There something called instructions"I said he chuckled I smiled

"Well I do not read so I don't know"he said I put on some gloves tied my hair and put on some safety goggles since this part is 'dangerous' I put in the green liquid and some splatter on my googles I wiped it out so we are finished

"We are finished"I said

"Well um actually we are already leaving so we'll probably use this tomorrow"he said and he was right the bell rang

"Ok don't worry leave everything as it is I'll clean it up I forgot the bell almost rang just leave the googles gloves and you may leave" as I walked out the class I felt a hand on my shoulder I tuned around and saw Willow

"Hey"I said

"Omg you sit with Juwany"she said

"Yeah"I said

"You are so lucky"she said I just chuckled

   Now to third period Willow walked beside me as we walked to the hallway I looked at everyone but then I saw something not something someone he had long black hair shaved in the sides. His eyes were green mixed with other different colors his lips were very curved and defined wow and his eyebrows were "s" shaped as they called it I stared at him I don't know why but he caught my eye very much he looked at me and his eyes were in contact with me we stared at each other I wanted to look away but I couldn't it was like I had no control over my body everything was in slow motion but then everything went quick when I passed him and I couldn't see him no more

Willow who's that boy"I asked her

"Who?"she asked

"Nevermind"I said

   I saw my class and said bye to Willow she said bye and left to her class I entered my class greeted my teacher and sat where she told me. She took role but then someone barged into the room I looked up Oh no you got to be kidding me

"Joey can you tell me why you are late"the teacher asked

"I was in football practice"he said

"Ok sit down"she said our seats weren't in group tables they were separated and faced infront so he sat behind me oh great I just tried my best not to look behind
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