Chapter twenty four

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   I woke up feeling a pain in my head as if someone is inside banging on it. I opened my eye slowly until I realize since when does Dylan have his room painted blue oh wait he doesn't I stood up and looked around me where am I

   How did I get here. Am I at school?. I was at our chemistry class what the hell?!. Where's Dylan? I stood up and looked around me I'm so confused my head hurts I wen tot wards the door and opens it yep I'm totally at school but how?

   It weird being he only one here and it's empty at like 3 am in the morning I ran down he stairs since our school has two floors and went towards the exit how am I getting home when I don't have my phone. I saw the exit to where the buses are and opened he door

   As soon as I get out I hear someone's voice Dylan?

"Dylan?"I asked

"Grace?"he said

"What happened why are we here"I asked confused and scared

"Look Grace calm down someone room is here"he said

"But who?"I asked

"I don't know"he said

"How are we getting home?"I asked

"Let's try and find a phone at the school and call mom"he said

"Let's go inside before we attack the police"he said I looked behind him I started to get scared

"Or a wolf"I said

"What? Look Grace we have no time for games.."he started to say

"No look there's a wolf"I yelped

"Grace run"he screamed and we both ran through the hallways when I ran upstairs but don't heard Dylan I turn around and saw the impossible something I'll never thought I'll see in my life the wolf left running scared

"Dylan?"my voice shaked

   He looked at me mad I went carefully towards him I slowly raised my hand to his face   And lifted his face up since he was looking down he looked at me and thought his eyes I could tell he was scared or should I say yellow eyes

"D-D-D-Dylan you're a werewolf"I said he looked at me shocked

   His eyes slowly turned back into his blue ones and he looked at shyly I looked at him shocked I ran my finger across his face

"Dylan am I crazy?"I asked

"No"he said

I stared to see blurry when then everything went black
   I woke up in Dylan's bed again but looked to the side he wasn't here was it a dream or real what happened. I stood up and walked downstairs only to find my mom and my aunt in the kitchen

"Hey Grace"my aunt said

"Hey"I said

"Grace are you okay you look pale"my mom said and touched my forehead

"Yeah I'm just confused"I said

"Of what?"she asked

"Where's Dylan"I asked

"His with your dad at the barn"she said I nodded

"Is willow or Justin here?"I asked

"O no sorry sweetie they'll come later with your uncle"she said I nodded and ran upstairs I changed into some joggers and a sweatshirt since it's already cold outside its November. I went downstairs and told my mom I'll go find my brother

When i got to the barn I opened it looked behind em then closed it. I went to the area where my dad has his tools. He wasn't there but I looked around. There was this liquid substance in a bottle as I was about to grab it I heard

"Grace don't touch that"my dad said

"Sorry"I said

"How are you?"I asked he looked confused I pointed to his head he nodded

"I'm okay"he said

"Where's Dylan"I asked

"His over there"he said I looked and he was sitting down on his phone

"I'll be back"I said and headed towards Dylan once I got there he looked at me I looked at my dad then saw him leave to the place where it's locked

"Dylan?"I asked

"Yeah"he said

"What happened last night"I asked

"What are you talking about"he said

"Don't you remember you where there we were at the school"I said

"No I think you were hallucinating"he said and stood up started to walk away

"Dylan you can't just leave answer me you know what I'm talking about I'm not crazy"I said

"Well maybe you are"he said and stopped I did too

"Maybe your just a crazy bitch little brat that should just ignore it"


"Yeah your right maybe I should go"i said he had tears in his eyes and he looked at me sadly

"But don't come to me when you need help"I said and left quickly and went home

When I got there my mom and aunt were laughing while baking since when does my
Mom bake

"Hey look your aunt is teaching me how to make cinnamon rolls"she giggled I swear they are still little girls

"Oh sweetie are you okay?"she asked me I felt a tear run down my cheek

"Yeah"I said

"I'm going to lay down"I said she nodded

"Oh and don't forget to tell Dylan to drink his medication"she said I stopped

"What medication?"I asked

"Oh honey right now his in the stage where it's difficult for him to deal with the his anger expecially where his growing up"my mom said

"What happened if eh doesn't drink this pills?"I asked

"Oh we don't wanna go there"she said

"He will need help and Grace please don't anger him his vulnerable all he needs right now is a little sister"she said

Well considering we just argued that didn't help him it's hard for me especially when I can't understand what his going through all of this bipolar shit confuses me

I went upstairs and dived into my bed and sighted there is still more to come today

The Howl at Night//Joey Birlem {1}Where stories live. Discover now