Chapter twenty two

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   What in the world is Joey going here. Especially at the same time as we are at midnight in a closed animal clinic I looked at him shocked

"Robert we need you"Joey said and looked at me in the same way I did to him

"What are you doing here?"we asked at the same time

"No what are you doing here at midnight in a animal clinic?"I asked

"I could ask you the same"he said I opened my mouth about to speak but got interrupted

"Guys guys shut up what do you need help with Joey"Robert asked

"Geo got hurt we need you"Joey said

"Wait what what happened is he okay?!!"I asked

"Yes I mean no he got attacked by a animal"he looked at Robert when he emphasized animal

"Where is he?"I asked

"Here help me set him in the other table"Dylan said and Joey lead him I followed along

Joey took us to the waiting area of the animal clinic and Juwany was sitting down lazily holding into his lower torso prefer-redly his abdomen he had allot of blood around him I gasped

"Omg"I said

"Here you take his other arm"my brother said they both carried him into a metal table beside my dad Juwany was groaning Robert looked at him

"Ok look I can't operate on him right now I need to operate on Dylan's father"Robert said

"But he's bleeding allot he can die!!"I said

"But our dad"Dylan said I looked at him

"Hold on geo"Robert said

Ok I remember in health class first wash and disinfect wound ok I need alcohol

"Do you have alcohol?"I asked

"Yes but that won't do it"Robert said

I quickly looked in his cabinets I saw the alcohol and grabbed it ,I grabbed all I needed like towels bandages and some liquids for disaffecting and some stitches I turned on the sink with hot water and wet the cloth I grabbed scissors and cutted Juwany's shirt he groaned

"Sorry this is going to hurt"I said

I poured alcohol quickly so the wound wouldn't get infected. Juwany screamed and gripped into the side of the table I cleaned the blood and added pressure so it wouldn't bleed allot I released my grip and saw the wound,that wasn't a attack that was something gushing out from it it was purple I grabbed tweezers and put them inside the wound

I pulled out something I felt it was a bullet he got shoot with a bullet but not just any kind of bullet. I put the bullet beside and cleaned around any dried blood or excess blood. I wrap his wound with a flexible bandage and tape it Juwany had his eyes closed I checked his pulse in his neck he's okay I can't believe I did this

"How did you know what to do?"Robert asked

"Um my dad and I took some classes"I said

"Well better than your brother"he said my brother glared at him and Robert laughed

I went to the sink and rinsed my hands there was blood everywhere even in my shirt fuck it's soaked in blood

"Dylan do you have another shirt"I asked

"No"he said luckily I wore a sports bra

I took of my shirt and put it in the sink I felt the cold air in my bare stomach. I let the water run and stopped when it was full the blood soaked into the water and it left my shirt

"Here"Dylan said removing his hoodie and giving it to me

"Thanks"I said

"Grace have you ever thought of having a job"Robert asked

"No I mean I'm young why"I asked

"How would you like to work here at the animal clinic"he asked

"Me"I said shocked he nodded

"I mean you did a great job on Juwany
and this is a animal clinic we do need more employees"he said

"But I'm 13"I said

"But this is my animal clinic I own this place"he smiled

"Sure"I said anyways I need the money

"Great now come everyday along with your brother"he said

"What?!!"Dylan said

"You just hire her like that I had to take a test"he whined

"Life isn't fair brother"I smirked he groaned I giggled

"Joey call Juwany's mother and tell her to come pick him up"Robert told Joey he nodded and went outside Robert went to my dad and checked his pulse Dylan was beside him

I went outside where Joey is he was sitting in a chair in the phone with probably Juwany's mom considering that's why he's here outside

"Yeah thank you bye"Joey said and hanged up I sat beside him Joey sighed

"You okay?"I asked

"Yeah just stressed"he said

"Of what?"I asked

"School parents everything"he said

"Same"I said

"Why are you talking to me"Joey asked out of the blue

I opened my mouth but stopped

"I don't know I guess I just wanted too"I said

"Why do you not want to talk"I asked

"No it's just you hate me"he said

"What who's said that"I said

"We eat each other throats all the time we see each other"he said

"But that doesn't mean I hate you"I said

"Hate is a strong word"I said

"Oh so that means you don't hate me you dislike me"he chuckled

"No that's not what I meant"I chuckled

"But if you put it that way than yeah I dislike you"he looked at me I chuckled and then we stayed quite and stared at the parking lot look two people that dislike each other finally getting along

"I think we got off in the wrong foot"he said

"Cliché"I said he glared at me

"Oh sorry"I giggled

"Anyways lets re introduce each other hi I'm Joey"he put his hand out I hesitated

"I'm Grace"we shook hands and smiled

I saw headlights and saw a car pull up and someone get off quickly

"Oh god where's my son"me guessing Juwany's mom wow she beautiful no wonder Juwany's beautiful lol (😂sorry)

"He's inside"Joey said

She ran inside and headed straight to the clinic

"Well that is crazy"Joey said

"Believe me you haven't met crazy"I said
Please read...
Thanks for reading sorry I haven't updated in a week I've been sick and I've been doing positive things and hanging out with people who make me happy and being positive this weekend was fun my mother and I went shopping for Christmas decorations not that you care...
Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you don't get bored of my chapters anyways thanks for those who commented to be a character in this story you can't still comment if you want to be in this book
Thank you💖

The Howl at Night//Joey Birlem {1}Where stories live. Discover now