Chapter 1

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Izzy's P.O.V

I woke up to see that I wasn't in my room, I was in some one elses. I don't remeber anything but going to the super market, then walking home. 

I got up out of whoevers bed I was in, I walked into the living room and saw that This was not my home. I felt a really cold breeze against my body and looked down.

"Oh No"

"Oh God No"

I had nothing on.

This couldn't be happened to me. 

I was only 17

What could they want from me. 

I ran back into the room I woke up in and rummaged through whoevers closet it was to find some clothes. 

I grabbed the first things I saw, a pair of shorts and a tank top. 

I tip toed quietly into the living room, not sure if anyone was home. 

I looked around the lounge rooms ad saw no one, I went and looked in the kitchen, nope no one. I decided to go look outside before checking the other bedrooms.

I stepped outside and saw I wasnt in Melbourne anymore, I saw Big Ben and realised I was in London.

How though?

How did I get here without remebering?

Shit! Izzy you're such an ass! They drugged you. 

I quietly walked back into the house to check the bedrooms to see if anyone was there. 

I checked the first 2 bedrooms and there was no one, 

I checked the 3rd, and I saw someone

He was sprawled over the bed. 

His dark brown hair was covering his forehead. 

He was peacefully sleeping and i have to admit he looked cute while he slept. 

I shaked my head and continued to explore the house till i felt someone put their hand ontop of my mouth. 

I slowly turned around to see that it was a man who looked in his late twenties and early thirties. 

He started yelling at me for some reason. 


Then he said something which made my heart pound. 

"Well, Considering you're awake, It should be more fun to play with you now, I'll just go wake Noah up" He winked which sent shivers down my back and left to wake "Noah"

I tried to run but he had locked all the doors and windows in the house, so there was no point in trying. 

"Mann, Stop let me sleep!" I heard a sleepy voice from the bedroom

"NOAH! GET UP NOW" I heard a voice errupt from the room

I heard loud footsteps coming towards me and all off a sudden someone had one of their hands on my stomach and had another on the hem of the shirt I was wearing. 

I immediately realised that it was Brad and felt my heart beating harder than before when I heard him say- 

"We're gonna have some fun tonight babe"

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