Chapter 5

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Izzy's POV

Just listening to his voice on the phone brought back all the dreadful memories. 

How much he abused me. 


I ran as fast a I could, but every time I turned around he would be there.. 

He was always about 2 metres behind me. 

I felt like my legs were going to fall off any moment now.

"Izzy you little skank, I know you're going to stop any moment now." He yelled from behind.

I felt someone grab my waist by the arm and felt a warm breath on my neck. 

I knew it was him when he threw me forcefully like a toy towards the brick wall. 

My head had the most impact. I realised my head was bleeding when I could feel streams of flowing down my forehead. 

"I've told you more than twice, and I'll tell you again" he said while breathing heavily against my neck. 

"You are not to run away anymore okay, no one is going to save you, and by no one, I mean no one. If you run away I will find you one way or another."

And with that he dragged me home like a piece of cloth. 


* End of Flashback* 

Izzy's POV

"W-wait what!?" Louis exclaimed. "Did he rape you as well? I swear if he did, that son of a bitch is-"

"No Lou, stop. he didn't." I whispered.

"W-what? Okay, Izzy i need to ask you something" he said in a more of a seious tone. 

"What? i-is e-everything o-okay?" I asked, worried, did he see all the bruises, all the cuts.

"How did you get all these bruises? All these little cuts on your forehead?" He asked 

"I-I, H-He t-threw me a-against the m-mirror a-and t-then h-he threw m-me a-against a b-brick w-wall and k-kicked me r-repeatedly" I said and I could feel the tears stream down my face. 

"Who?! BRAD!?" He shouted

"N-no, my stepfather" I whispered. 

"Oh love, and one more question, did you self harm, I saw all the cuts on your arm." he said in a quiet voice. 

"I-I , u-um, yes" I sighed. 

"But why! Izzy love you can't keep on doing this! You're a beautiful girl okay" He said then kissed my forehead. 

"I love you Lou" 

"I love you too Iz"

and just then Niall walked in. 

Nialls POV

I should go talk to her now.

I haven't talked to her since yesterday. 

I don't know what came over me. 

"I love you Lou"

" I love you too Iz"

I heard when I walked in and froze. 

I just stared at them. 

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