Chapter 4

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Izzys POV

*Beep Beep Beep*

I slowly opened my eyes. 

I was in a hospital bed. I saw I had around 5 tubes on. 

"Goodmorning Ms Brooks" The doc said while walking in.

He was looking at something on his clipboard and frowning. 

"Morning Doctor um" "Jacob" he said with a smile now looking up. 

I smiled back, a fake smile.  

He had amazing blue eyes which contrasted perfectly with his blonde hair. 

He reminded me of someone.

"Ms Brooks I need to talk to you about something." He said in a really serious tone 

"You have a really serious tumor in your brain which is causing you to black out alot. We will have to remove this tumor by operating." 

"Have you told Lou about this?" I said on the verge of crying. 

"Yes, I have gotten his permission to proceed with this surgery but of course we will need the okay from you"


"Okay for the surgery?" he asked 

"Yes" I said in a small voice

"Alright, first I will need you to sign on this line here and on this line here and we will proceed with the surgery" 

I signed and he wheeled me into another room where he put on a mask and I was sent to sleep. 

Harrys POV

I wonder if shes woken up yet. I hope to God shes Okay. 

"Lou! How much longer are Niall and the boys going to take?!" i said in a frustrated voice

As soon as I finished that sentence Niall, Zayn and Liam ran through the doors towards us. 

"How-How is Sh-She?" Zayn asked, he was puffed out.

"The doctor hasnt said anything yet, and Why are you guys so puffed out?" I asked 

"Paparazzi" They all said in unison 

"Fucking paps" i said under my breath.

*2 hours later*

The doctor came through the doors with a huge smile on his face

"What Happened Doc? She's alright isn't she?" Lou said frantically 

"Shes perfectly fine now. We've done the surgery and she's awake. She's inside, so you-"

He was cut of by Lou "Can we go visit her?"

"I was just about to say you can go in and visit her" he said with a warm smile and walked towards the lift. 

Lou ran in and gave Izzy the biggest bear hug i've seen him give anyone, besides Eleanor. 

"Zayn, Niall, Liam this is Izzy, and Izzy I'm sure-"

"Oh My God. Its Zayn Malik, Niall Horan and Liam Payne, I think I'm going to faint because of their sexiness" She said in a fangirling way. 

Oh how I love this girl. Wait 'love'? Stop Harry stop. 

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