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Austin's Pov

We've been on tour for about two weeks now and it's been great. I've had a lot of fun touring with the guys from Pierce not to mention getting to know Alan better. Right now I was just watching some TV in the lounge while everyone else was doing who knows what. There wasn't much we could do since the bus was moving. All I know is that there is nothing on TV and I'm bored as hell.

"What are you doing?" I looked away from the TV and saw Aaron standing in the door.

"Flipping through channels, there's nothing to watch." I told him looking back at the TV and stopped it on some cartoon, "What's everyone else doing?"

"Tino and Phil are sleeping and Alan's doing a paper I guess." He said and sat down next to me. "And I am dying of boredom and Amanda's doing one of her youtube videos so I can't call her until she's done."

"Well TV isn't any better."

"Wanna play video games?" He asked.

"Sure, why not." I said and Aaron got up hooking everything up and threw a controller at me, "What are we playing?"

"Mario Kart."

"You just picked that 'cus you know I suck didn't you!" I whined.

"Mhm, exactly."

"Ass." I muttered as he started the game. We sat and played for probably an hour before Tino yelled at us to shut up because he was still sleeping.

"I think you're cheating!" I said to him and knocking his shoulder.

"It's Mario Kart," he exclaimed, "How can I possibly cheat at Mario Kart- you just suck."

"I don't know but I know you are."

"Whatever, how much longer do we have until we get to the next venue. I'm bored and I need fresh air." He said.

"Another hour or two but Pierce's bus needs to get gas and so do we I guess so we should be stopping any minute."

"Thank god!" He said loudly only for the three assholes in the back to yell at him to shut the fuck up.

"Hey deal with it!"

"Well we're trying to fucking sleep!" Tino yelled.

"That's nice. I don't care."

"Shut it Austin!" Phil shouted.

"What are you going to do if I don't?" I taunted.

He didn't answer me.

"That's what I thought."

Again no one answer.  I smirked and looked over at Aaron.

"So anyways we should be stopping soon and then you can get your precious fresh air." I told him.

"Good." He said getting up and shutting the game off, "I think we stopped."

"I'll ask the driver," I said and went up to the front, "Hey did we stop?"

"Yup." He said.

"Awesome! Guys we stopped! We're at a gas station if anyone needs anything!"

The three in the bunks all got out sluggishly and I had to hold back an aw when I saw Alan come out with his hair all messed up and he was rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"I thought you were working on a paper?"

He yawned, "I was but I fell asleep halfway through it." He mumbled, "Come with me, I'm buying a coffee."

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