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Austin's POV

I waited impatiently in my uncomfortable chair in the airport. Alan's plane was going to land in less than an hour and I couldn't fucking wait.  I missed him so much and I just wanted to see him again and hold him, kiss him, everything.

I've never missed someone so much in my life before.  But that'd be over soon, because any minute now I'd get to see my boyfriend again. 

"Kellin how much longer?" I whined.

"Like ten more minutes, calm down. He's going to be here soon."

"It's been two months Kellin! Two!"

"I'm aware of how long it's been Austin."

"Still. Aren't you excited to see him?"

"Of course I am, I'm just able to contain it more than you are," He said and yawned. "Plus I'm tired."

"It's not even that early."

"It's 6am Austin. It's early."

"You're just angry."

"Why would I be angry?"

"Because it's early and you're tired."

"That's not the only reason he's tired," Vic muttered. "We've been moving all of our shit to L.A."

"That's not my problem."

"Yeah but I'm tired! Why does Alan's flight have to be so early?" Kellin whined and laid on Vic. "We still have like twenty boxes to go too."

I shrugged, "I don't know."  The speaker then announced a plane's arrival, "Is that Alan's?" I asked excitedly.

Kellin nodded, "Yeah it is!"

I smiled and stood up from my seat looking for him as people started to flood out from a doorway.

"Do either of you see him anywhere?" I asked still looking for him.

"No, not yet." Kellin said.

"I think I see him!"

"Yeah that's him," Kellin said just as Alan saw us and started running towards our direction. 

He jumped into my arms and gave me a kiss.

"Oh I missed you so much!" I said as soon as we pulled apart.

"I missed you too." He said before he pulled away from me to give Kellin a hug.

"I missed you Al," Kellin told him as they hugged.

"I missed you too Kells. It was weird without you."

"It was weird without you too, no more leaving without me, I can't stand it." Kellin said laughing.

"I'll do my best."

"You better."

He pulled away from Kellin and have Vic a quick hug before latching himself onto me.

"I think I'm with Kellin, you're not allowed to leave anymore." I said hugging him tight.

"I guess we'll have to see how things go."

"I guess we will, you ready to go home?"

He nodded, "Mhm. I'm ready for bed."

"Alright," I said and looked at the guys, "We'll see you later?"

"See you." Kellin said and gave Alan one last hug.

Alan and I waited for his luggage before we left and headed back home.

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