The truth comes out

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That morning when we woke up I couldn't help but smile hearing her soft snores from above. I think I am truly falling for her, she is perfect her eyes, her smile, the way she laughs. I wish I could keep in a glass bottle forever but someday I will have to let her decide. I try to sneak out from underneath her but she ends up waking up. So we walk out to the living room together. I get sight of the kitchen and my eyes widen in shock I think we had a burglary. There was cereal everywhere, milk everywhere, and also it was everywhere. We rounded the corner my mind poped to Brier is she okay. All of a sudden I heard Daddy mommy come et for you ceral ets oggy. I looked to Sarah hoping she wouldn't freak out because she called her mommy but she was smiling I was relieved. She went into the kitchen and I followed she sat at the table and said well this looks like a mighty fine breakfast and Brier smiled. We all sat down and ate lucky it wasn't to soggy.

 After breakfast Sarah helped me pick up god bless her heart. Brier did quite a job to this kitchen Sarah joked. I laughed. We finally got done 2 hours later but by that time it was 2 clock. It was time for Briers nap. Sarah helped me lay her down but weird enough this day was not usual she wouldn't lay down for a nap so Sarah read her favorite book to her I love you to the moon and back. Brier still wouldn't go to sleep Sarah sang a song and she fell right asleep. I felt like right then and there was the right time to tell Sarah the news, but I didn't know how or where I didn't feel like I should do it in public or a romantic style because this is far from romantic but I had to tell her it was the right thing to do. I took a deep breathe as I walked through the door on my very first speech ever given to Sarah I was nervous very nervous. I mean I love her and all but it doesn't seem right to do this and then dump this on her it just isn't right but I have to tell her. Sarah can I talk to you for a minute in my bedroom. I walked in there 30 seconds before she did. I was sweating like a pig and I knew she knew something was up. So this is what I said Sarah there is no boss who hired me to kidnap you. She looked lost but I kept going. You see my daughter came home from school crying. Some kids where picking on her about how her mother left her when she was 2 They kept telling her it was her fault she was to ugly for her mother's eyes and that her mother ran away because she didn't like her. Her mother ran away because she couldn't take the pressure. She had all these dreams that went to ruins because she ot pregnant. She ran off with some lawyer leaving Brier and me here all by ourselves and I didn't want Brier to be blamed or picked on for that. When I found you I wasn't planning on kidnapping you it was the moment. You looked so beautiful and  the perfect mother and wife. Sarah asked then why did you have a gun. I almost chuckled at that one. I reached in my coat pocket and pulled it out it was a bubble gun I got my daughter for her birthday last year. Sarah started bursting out laughing I was kind of confused I get it she said I am being punked I am so stupid your an actor who is just pretending to have feelings for me. I looked at her you are not being punked and how did you know I have feelings toward you. I was prepared for an embarrassing answer but not one quite embarrassing like this every time I touched you, you get erections. I  was so embarrassed I full on blushed and I felt it that was even more embarrassing a grown man blushing. I wasn't thinking straight and replied with a smirk a weird smirk on my face that was because I love you and her eyes widened I love you too after that I was the happiest man on the earth. I full on kissed her. My tongue was poking at her lip asking for entrance which she gave me and our tongues explored. I really truly love her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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