Distance can't stop our love

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My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and smiled




'Hey :)'


'How are you?'


'I'm good wbu? what time is it there?'


'I get to talk to you so I'm really good ;) it's like 1 here'


'It's like 5pm here and aw! :)'


'Time difference sucks! but at least we can text <3'


'Yeah<3 I can't wait to finally see you!'


'Yeah I know! I leave in a couple days!'


'You have no idea how excited I am for you spending the summer with me! :)'


'I am 10 times more excited then you I get to meet the girl that made me fall for her <3'


'Says the boy who made me fall for him<3 ;)'


'I'm so sorry I gotta go my dad wants me to spend time with him before I leave'


'It's okay I get you for the whole summer! love you!'


'I love you more then anything <3 bye babe'


'<3 bye'

{3 days later}


I'm at the airport did you land yet?'


'Yeah I'm in the airport now'


'Where are you?'

I look around trying to find him but can't see him. my phones vibrates


'By the luggage claim'

I turn and walk towards the luggage claim. And that's when I see him. He's standing there in jeans and a plain black T-shirt. wearing a red snap back and one black sneaker and one red sneaker. A huge smile spread across my face. 

"DYLAN!!" I screamed. He turned around suprised and smiled at me. I started walking towards him which turned into a jog. He jogged towards me. when we reached each other Dylan grabs my waist and lifts me up into a huge hug. He continues hugging me but starts spinning around. I laugh and he puts me down. 

"Hi" he says with the biggest smile i've ever seen on his face. 

"Hi"smiling just as big. "I can't believe your here." i say lauching myself into another hug. but this time my feet stay on the ground. 

"I know i'm so happy to finally see you!" he says into my ear still holding onto me, his head resting where my shoulder and neck meet. 

"Uh....guys....." A voice says and i pull back from dylan's embrace to look over to see my best friend chantel looking at us. then the realisation hit me.

"Omg! how long were we like that??" i ask panicing a little bit. 

chantel laughs and says "chill its only been a couple mintues but it got a little awkward for me.

" oh Dylan this is chantel" I say guesturing to chantel. 

"hey" Dylan says smiling at chantel. daniel slides his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. he leaned down and wishpered "i'm never letting you go" into my ear


Distance can't stop our loveWhere stories live. Discover now