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What I feel, it is real

But real isn't always what I feel

Real isn't this and real isn't that

Everyone goes through life like an acrobat

There is a story to be told

About kids who were once very bold

And alas, time took it's toll

Their minds would sink into a black hole

Learning about themselves

Slowly stacking items upon their shelves

Suffering through the truth

Oblivious in their youth

But they're not at fault

Not when becoming an adult feels like our life's have come to a halt

What is real will slowly fade

Some might even pick up a blade

Those years that we have leading up to and before

Left us with only ill will to bore

Some say that we don't quite know what we're doing

Soon our choices we will be rueing

Yet some know they're not wrong

They have been right all along

Though we still cannot stop

Our lives are the hazy backdrop

To boring plays no one wants to watch

So once again we take our parents' scotch

And drink more and just hope

Maybe, just maybe, it'll help us cope

Sadly it does not

We start to fear that we'll get caught

Our sleeves have grown long

Our heart and soul don't belong

Not to this world where people find it right to stare

And whisper about us behind our back "beware"

They aren't right, not in the head

And school becomes something you begin to dread

Things start to change you might fall in love

But afraid it might fly away like the morning doves

You always fear you're not ever enough

Because you're hiding all sorts of stuff

You're slowly getting worse and new illnesses develop

And slowly but surely it will envelop

You're whole being, it will be consumed

And slowly you'll start to feel you're doomed

It's hard for you to leave your house

You've become quiet as a mouse

You're friends and family see nothing wrong

Because somehow, your smile has remained strong

You start to slip and it's becoming hard

"Emo" artists have become your bard

Singing the stories of your heart

Creating beautiful art

It's all too much now, and you're giving up

Homework slowly begins to pile up

Everyone says you're happy

Yet you're becoming less chatty

And one night you lock the bathroom door

Not to be seen alive any more

You start the water, slowly in the bathtub

You're about to join the suicide club

The next morning it seems to start the same

You didn't answer any texts and that's a shame

You're friends get to school and one has a dire face

They said "I don't think I should tell you in this place"

They spill the truth and your friends fall to their knees

They thought, for you, life was a breeze

This is sadly the truth to our lives

Driven over the edge by the lull of knives

We kept our mouths shut so know one knew

And the agony inside just grew and grew

Our hearts and minds have left us sleepless

But our exhaustion was nothing compared to our secrets

Depression PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now