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The next day at work, Louis was very distant. He didn't feel right and he hated what he had done. He should have never made Harry give him drugs, he should have never even went to that stupid party. The whole day yesterday, he stayed home and wanted to take everything back. He threw up and felt sick to his stomach. His body is obviously not used to that much drugs or any drugs at all.

Harry is way different than Louis could ever have expected. The way he lives and how he is so open to having sex with a crowd, it's weird and not his style. He wants nothing more than to be with Harry but he took advantage. He did it purposefully so he could bed him, when he thinks about it, it just makes him more upset.

Louis sighs as he makes copies of paperwork, staring at the white wall before him where the copy machine sat.

"Hey, Louis." Louis was snapped out of his trance and turned to see Nialls face, with a smile.

"Oh hey Niall. How are things?" Louis asks, still a bit out of it.

"Alright," Niall answered looking at Louis with a suspicious look. He didn't seem like the same old Louis, something was wrong. "I tried calling yesterday. Why didn't you show up to work yesterday? What happened after the date?" Niall tried to make conversation.

"Oh, uh, it didn't work out." Louis answered, Douglas wanted nothing to do with him now. He tried texting him and calling but everything went unanswered.

"Dang man. I'm sorry, just keep trying." Niall rubs Louis back. "Anything else happen?"

"Uh, no. Just needed a break." Louis says grabbing his papers and leaving quickly, leaving Niall with confusion.

Louis spent the rest of the day avoiding his friends, trying whatever he could to not run into them, to avoid the pure shame in his eyes. Of course they noticed and they weren't just going to let Louis be standoffish.


It was a few days later and Louis was carrying on with his same routine, sleep, work, work, work, repeat. Trying everything he could to keep his mind off of Harry and the feeling of seeing him again.

Louis was driving home, when he got a call from Liam. He connected it to the cars bluetooth, so he could speak hands free.

"What's up?" Louis answered.

"We're coming over tonight." Liam says bluntly. Louis groans, he doesn't want company, he just wants to be left alone. "You've been so distant all week, you have barely been talking to us."

"I know and I'm sorry, just a bit stressed is all." Louis says being truthful.

"Well tonight will be stress free, okay? I'm bringing beer and pizza and we are spending the night." Liam says excitedly, causing Louis to smile.

"Okay, sounds good." Louis sighs.

"Look, whatever is happening, you know you can come to us right?"

"..yeah. I know, see you." Louis and Liam share their goodbyes and hang up, right as Louis was pulling into his parking spot. Louis grabs his briefcase and removes his car keys from the ignition. He checks his phone quickly and gets out the car, he pressed the lock button until it beeped and began to walk to his building.

He didn't make it very far before he saw three boys standing a few feet from him. Louis stops in his tracks as he recognizes the faces, from the fight he jumped into. Louis breath hitched and the boy in the front started smiling.

"Found you." He says in a taunting low voice, Louis began to get nervous.

"W-what do you want?"

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