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After that day, everything quickly changed. They were all arrested and brought into questioning. It was the most scary thing any of them had ever experienced.

On the car ride there, so many things were running through their minds. Some of them had to share a car. Louis had to share a car with Harry, which was the most awkward. Harry didn't look at Louis once, Louis didn't look at Harry once. They both knew what they once had, was gone. They both just watched the rain hit the window as a million thought ran through their minds.

When they all arrived to the station, they were all put in different rooms for questioning. This was going to be a huge case, media covered and everything. They all knew it. What they had done and had been doing was probably going to be the biggest thing England has had happen for a while.

Soon enough they were being questioned. Not all at the same time but it happened eventually. The first was Louis because he made the call in the first place. So they needed his side of the story to go by.

They asked him many things, like what made him him do it, which just took him to the beginning. "This is how it all started." The cops were listening in such interest. They have never heard a more fucked up, beautiful story. They were in that room with Louis for more than an hour, trying to gather all the details.

When they questioned Gemma, there wasn't much for her to say about Harry and Louis but she told them about the horrid abuse that took place and the recent suicide of their mother/aunt. She was shaking in fear of having to go to prison for not even doing anything.

When they questioned Perrie, she told them as much as she could. She was honest about her drug addiction and everyone's, she spoke about how sex ran their lives and drugs fueled the fire in them. She spoke about how Harry was the leader of the group and how they looked up to him. "We just thought he was such a badass, we loved that about him." When she was asked about the murders, she told them that Louis and Harry told them all about it and that Zayn, their dead friend was involved. "He also killed his pimp for prostitution." The cops eyes widen as the plot thickened. Now they knew Harry was also a prostitute. How else could this get better?

When they questioned Ashton, he was more closed off. He didn't really want to speak, he was terrified of this whole thing. He knew he was going to end up in jail for the rape, if anything. He was very vague about almost everything, accept blaming Harry. "He ruined our lives, he.. he gave us all HIV... on purpose." Ashton admits to the cops and the plot does get thicken. When asked about the rape, he slumped in his seat. They could tell he did regret it. "It was to make Harry happy. I did it for him. I didn't want to, none of us did. But I just pushed my feelings aside and did it anyway. But when I saw Louis crying, I realized how real this was, I couldn't take it back."

When they questioned Luke, he was even more difficult to get anything out of. He was once in jail and doesn't want to go back. He refused to give them any information on the rape or anything prior to it. He did tell them that harry indeed spread HIV around to them. "I don't know.. I guess he was so pissed off at his life that he purposefully gave everyone who he had sex with, HIV. Which is a lot of people. I mean he was a prostitute and stripper, I can only imagine how many people actually have it and don't know."

But the most important and fucked up side of the story will be coming from Harry himself. He wasn't going to hide it, he wasn't going to lie. Whatever was coming to him, he deserved it and accepted it. But one thing he did want was for his story to live on. "They called me Emerald." Harry began and from there it was history. The way the cops were invested in his story, the way he spoke about his life so fluently, without holding back. He spoke about it all, his abuse as a child, to the revenge he tried to take on Peter. They could tell Harry was an extremely angry human being. The cops looked at each other, they really hit the jackpot here. The biggest story in decades.

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