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Louis drove home drunk and high, feeling used, abused, fooled, hurt and just sad. He felt like he was just Harry's pawn, someone that Harry wanted to use for his own benefit. As he left the club, he saw everyone else seemingly over it, dancing on the dance floor, laughing, touching, and everything they shouldn't be. They didn't even notice Louis leave, he doesn't get how people could just get over hurtful words like that. It must be the drugs they're on.

Harry stayed in the bathroom for about twenty more minutes, having a full on breakdown. He doesn't know how he's going to fix things with Louis, now. He shouldn't keep messing shit up but he can't help it. When Harry did come out of the bathroom he went to the lower level and searched for Louis, but all he got was his friends, who openly forgave him for his words, which they already know he didn't mean. They openly accepted him into the group on the dance floor, might as well have fun.

Louis crashes on his sheets on his bed and just continued to cry, for hours. He threw things, yelled at himself for being stupid, fought every urge to drink more. He was fading away, he was hurt and trying to find himself again and Harry came back and ruins it. He never ever would have seen himself so distraught over anyone. But Harry knew how to push buttons, knew how to open people up to things they would never do and then break them like glass. Louis is forever changed because of him, there's no turning back, no going back. Theres a video of him getting coke snorted off his dick, Louis is a business man and if that ever got out, his career would be over. He's surprised it isn't already.

But In the mist of things, something clicked for Harry, he had to fix this. Now, not later, not next week or next month. He told him that he loves him and that's something that Harry has never given anyone and that did mean something. He is special.

But sometimes it seemed as if drugs were more important to Harry, and that is unsettling. Because he ended up shooting up, snorting up, swallowing drugs with his friends, in an alleyway. True drug addiction unfolding, it gets worse and worse for all of them. All while Louis cries himself to sleep, with the thought of Harry's smile, distinct scent and eyes.


The next morning Harry woke up in the mince of his friends and random men he's never even seen before, on the floor of an apartment, that didn't belong to him or any of his friends. They must have crashed at someone's place last night after the club closed. He doesn't know nor does he really care, he just hopes he didn't have sex with anyone.

Harry quickly grabbed his shoes from the floor next to him and got up, with a pounding headache. He ran around the room waking his friends up so they could leave this strange place. After a few minutes he succeeded and they were out of there faster than lightening.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Harry asked his friends as they jog to catch a train home.

"Not really. Why?" Perrie asked curiously.

"Uh, I.. I just wanted to know if I slept with anyone." Harry says awkwardly, Perrie looks at him and raises a brow.

"Well, you know how it goes. We crashed at their place.." she chuckled, hinting that he did indeed have sex with someone. Harry stopped in his tracks and immediately felt like shit.

"No I don't know, why would you let that happen?" Harry asked a bit angry.

"Well it's what you always do, we didn't think anything of it."

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