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One day, I had an idea

It wasn't for personal gain

It was simply something good

I carried it around with me

Wherever I went

But then

I lost it

In a crowd of other people

And their expectations

Their ideas were different

Their ideas made them prettier, smarter, better

Mine did not

Mine was just a little idea

Not a big dream such as theirs

It was pushed and prodded

Overlooked, then forgotten

It faded into the background

Under an ambitious dream's shadow

At first I didn't notice

I was too starstruck by the others

I wanted ideas like them

I wanted to be like them

I did my best

I was like them, for a while

But then I noticed my idea

Peering out from behind a shadow

They looked at it and laughed

They said it was pathetic

A waste of space

I agreed

My idea sank back into the shadows, unwanted

I returned to them

I said more things I didn't mean

I did things I didn't want to do

It wasn't enough

I never truly fit in

At the end of the day, I was alone

Without my idea, I was empty and cold

But then

Out of the shadows

My idea appeared

I watched it come closer

I thought I don't deserve you anymore

It came closer



My idea was something good;

It didn't care about what I'd done

I took it back in as my own

No longer ashamed, I bore it with dignity

For it was mine, and mine alone

I came up with it, no one else

That alone was reason to be proud

With one little idea

I was content

With one little idea

I had something good

With one little idea

I may not have changed the world

But, that same little idea

Changed my life

And that was enough.

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