Chapter 9

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Scott paused in front of the fun house. "Well... It certainly looks... Interesting."

The fun house in question was called Psychedelic. It was covered in wobbly rainbow colours, and had a distinct 80s feel about it. Actually, it was blasting out the Austin Powers theme song, so yeah. Definitely an 80s feel.

Vincent turned, looking almost a little nervous, "Don't you like it? We can start somewhere else if you like. I just th-"

Scott laughed, shaking his head, "No way. We're definitely going on this ride. It looks great."

Vincent paused, and then grinned, "Okay then, come on!" He skipped ahead, running up to the ticket seller and pulling out his wallet. He turned back, gesturing for Scott to hurry up.

Scott followed along behind, weaving through the crowd to get to the (well, there was no other word to describe it) groovy funhouse. All the attendants were dressed in long floral dresses with huge glasses.

"Come on," Vincent appeared at his side once again, holding out a ticket. "We can go up right away, there's no line. Everyone else went to the extreme rides, so there's hardly anyone at the funhouses."

"Really?" Scott took his ticket, following Vincent to the stairs that led to the little platform where you began, "Who would miss a ride like this?"

"I dunno, but it is pretty tucked away. I guess people don't realise it's here." Vincent walked up to the entrance of the funhouse, and Scott followed behind.

"Heyyy, dudes," the attendant was definitely in character. She bobbed her head in greeting, holding out two pairs of funky-looking glasses. "You gotta put these on for the ride. Got it? Groovy. I can really feel the love, you two. Wish my boyfriend would take me to a funky funhouse like this."

Scott's eyebrows raised, the glasses a fraction away from his face, "Boyfriend?" He put the glasses on, and took a step backwards, "Wooooaah." The glasses made everything look swirly, and pink. Literal rose-tinted glasses. Nice touch.

Vincent giggled from beside him, and Scott turned to face him. The glasses were huge on him, and shaped like flowers. Scott laughed, "You look ridiculous."

"Have you looked in the mirror recently? Love-heart shaped frames," Vincent sniggered. "You can't really talk."

"Alright, dudes. Ready to go? Enjoy yourselves in there - but not too much. There are cctv cameras, so we know if you're looking for a quick place to make out."

"Er..." Scott frowned, but figured it was a standard greeting for all couples going into the ride, "Okay..."

"Sweet... Here we go, then..." The attendant walked over and opened the door.

Scott and Vincent stepped in together, and were instantly swept away into another world. The walls and floor of the ride were made of glass, and under the glass was a string of coloured lights - easy enough, only the rose-tinted glasses made everything swirl together, so you couldn't see the glass, but only the coloured lights around you, everywhere. It was like you were walking on nothing apart from coloured light.

"This is incredible!" Vincent breathed from beside him.

"Yeah!" Scott nodded, looking around himself. It seemed to be designed like a mirror maze. He took a cautious step forward, almost afraid he'd fall right through floor. "I feel like I'm tripping..."

"I guess that's the point of the whole 80s feel," Vincent took a step forward as well, and almost tripped. He clutched onto Scott's arm with a yelp.

Scott jumped at the sound, but then laughed, "Maybe it'll be better if we keep a hold of each other. I don't want to get separated. Or for you to fall and break an arm or something."

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