Chapter 12

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Vincent smiled as he reentered the warmth of the apartment lobby, his arms still full of his carnival collection (caramel corn, the stuffed animals Scott won him, and what was left of their bag of cotton candy). Scott was following along, albeit carrying a much smaller collection of merchandise (a rainbow LED necklace around his neck, a pinwheel that lit up when it spun and a tiara on top of his head that shone bright green. It turned out Scott as a fan of things that glowed).

"...And there's the arcade around the corner, and there's old Freddy Fazbear's down the street! I practically spent my childhood in that place. It would have been my first job if not for my uncle opening up the retail place down the road. There's SkyZone and laser tag- Ooh, and the cinemas we have - you want to book cinema number five. They've got glow in the dark stars on the roof, and the reclining chairs are free. Well. If you don't get caught sneaking down there. Hmm, what else...?" Scott finally paused to take a breath - he hadn't stopped talking since the fireworks had ended.

"Maybe," Vincent cut in before Scott could continue. He stopped walking and turned around to face his new neighbour, "Maybe, instead of telling me all these things, you should show me."

Scott blinked, pausing mid-step, "Show... you?"

"Yeah!" Vincent grinned at him, "You're free every Sunday, right? How's about, every Sunday you come over and take me somewhere. It can be a surprise and everything. Oh," he tilted his head, "That is, if your girlfriend wouldn't mind."

"Oh, I'm sure she won't," Scott blurted. "Sundays she's usually... at... church. Um. Church from 9am to 11am, and then she runs the Sunday school until... 3pm, and... I mean, unless I go over there to stay with her, she usually takes the afternoon off." Scott smiled.

"Oh. Well that'll do perfectly, then!" Vincent's grin returned in its entirety, "And don't you worry on cancelling on me if your girlfriend asks you over. I won't mind at all. When do you two get time for dates? It sounds like she's busy 24/7. To be honest, I wouldn't be able to survive a relationship where I never got to see my boyfriend-" with a sudden gasp he caught himself, "I mean, girlfriend." He turned back around to face away from Scott, the tips of his ears burning. Okay, no, okay- That just sounded like I slipped up. That's okay.

They walked in silence for the rest of the way - to the stairs, in the lift, and in their hallway. It was only once they were standing outside of Vincent's door that Scott spoke again.

"It's fine, you know," he said. Paused for a second. Gave an awkward glance, "I mean. If-If you have a boyfriend."

Vincent felt himself flush again, hugging his arms to his sides, "Well... I don't."


The silence became awkward once again. Scott shifted on his feet. Rubbed one of his arms, "Well. Just know, if... if you ever did get... a boyfriend. That's. Okay. With me. I'm not... going to judge you. Or anything. Um, as long..." he offered a somewhat cheesy grin, "As long as you bring him over for dinner first so I can make sure I approve of him."

"Haha," Vincent chuckled. God. This was awkward. Though the support really touched him, the awkward delivery kind of confused him. It kind of seemed like Scott was one of those types who accepted you but was still uncomfortable with the whole 'gay' thing.

And yet, he did say that he would kiss a guy... Vincent remembered. His exact words were 'I've never kissed a guy before, but I don't see why not. It's just the same as kissing a girl, isn't it?'

"Um, do I bring her over if she's a girl, too? Or... neither?" Vincent asked, looking up and meeting Scott's eyes. He didn't really want Scott to just assume he was just gay.

"Oh," Scott blinked, "Oh. Of course. I'd have to check out them too. I've-" he started, and then stopped himself, his Adam's Apple bobbing in his throat as though conflicted. "Uh. Nevermind. But, um... maybe we can go to pride sometime. Then. Together. Well, not together together, but- I-I-I could take you. To pride."

"Yeah," Vincent looked down at his feet and he found himself chuckling. This is so adorably awkward. He's so adorably awkward. "Sure. I'd like that."

"Okay," Scott was chuckling too, "Heck, I'm not good at small talk. Sorry. This is why I don't have any friends. I mean- I have friends- I... I'm just. Going to go to bed. Bye."

"Bye, Scott," Vincent shook his head, and glanced up at him one last time, "I'll be eagerly awaiting next Sunday."

Scott paused at his front door, looked over at Vincent and grinned, "So will I." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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