Chapter 10- Lucky Criminal

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So I made a storyboard for this book to help me with the chapters and I am currently two chapters behind what I originally intended, oh boy. So I am writing this chapter to make up for the ones I’ve missed. As always enjoy!


Chapter 10


Date: August 5th

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Location: Mansion located in Florence, Oregon


There are so many perks to being a criminal. For one you didn’t have to follow any rules, you got a shit ton of money, and you didn’t have to deal with school. If I still went to school I would have to restart getting supplies for another year, surprising that I would have been starting my upperclassmen year there.

However I would gladly take sleep over going to those stuffy classrooms any day. I was currently in a state of half awake half asleep as the sunlight streamed through the small section the curtain had. In response I rolled over tangling myself in the emerald sheets even more and pulled them over my head to get more sleep.

I know I should probably start contacting people about joining our little organization to fight and take down Lockstar but it had only been a couple of days and I think we all deserved a break. Besides it wasn’t like there was something so life threatening that would cause us to start any time soon.

“Aura!” Maria screamed bursting through my doors. With the way she screamed I could only imagine that I was wrong about my previous statement. “Get up!” She yanked the covers off of me exposing my ratty shorts and baggy t-shirt.

“What is it?” I asked ending in a big yawn. I started stretching my limbs when she grabbed one of them and dragged me downstairs. I almost tripped with the fast pace we were going and tried to wake up so I didn’t fall down the stairs and severely injure myself.

We go into the main living room where the others who looked like they had just woken up sat. Valentin on the other hand looked wide awake and was watching the news intently. He saw my crappy attire and I could practically hear his sigh of relief, I hadn’t necessarily been wearing skanky clothing but it fit me a lot better than my old clothes did. It was obvious that both Valentin and John had trouble focusing on other things when I walked into a room and all I could think was boys.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“Holly Child is what’s going on.” Matt says completely serious and gestures to the television.

“Thanks Tom,” A reporter wearing too much blush and eye shadow said. “Earlier this day a woman under the name HC let out a video that went viral at 3 a.m. this morning. The video shows the woman in plain sight asking anyone who was interested to arrest and capture a girl named Aurora Carter dead or alive.” My face paled at that statement. “Carter had been in recent trouble earlier this year as she was convicted of killing 3 people but was later found innocent. Carter has so far not been sighted since then and cops have been researching why HC wants the girl at all. We are allowed to play the video on behalf of the stations request.”

The screen cut away from her and went black for a second before it pulled up a grainy image. I could immediately tell it was Holly Child, one of the people who wanted to buy me, that sat confidently in front of the camera. She smiled sweetly as if she wasn’t a part of something so sinister and wrong.

“Hello everyone,” Her staticky voice came through the screen. “My name is HC and that is all you need to know about my name. Now I know I may not look like I can provide but I have very important investments and my previous men have failed to deliver, so I’m making an offer. Anyone who can capture Aurora Carter dead will receive $2 million; anyone who brings her to me alive will receive $20 million. I will know if you bring me a fake and trust me when I say you will face the consequences if you do so. If you do in fact catch Carter simply send me a message, my link is below. Thanks for listening and good luck.” The screen cuts to black and Valentin turns off the television.

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