Chapter 13- To Lie or not to Lie

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Chapter 13


Date: August 9th

Location: Room in Oregon Mansion

Time: 11:39 a.m.


“You?” Michael laughed loudly through the phone. “You, catch me?”

“Why is that so hard for you to believe?” I ask trying to keep my voice even and not let my anger seep through. “Do you think that because I’m a girl I can’t do it?”

“No it’s because it’s you that I know you can’t do it.” He replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Aurora you’re a sweet person and even when you were bolting out of our base you never killed any of my men when a real criminal would. A criminal would have leaked my kidding spot the moment they left and yet you choose to wait.”

“So you’re saying I’m not a criminal?” I question.

“Not a threatening one at least,” He answers. “You’re different from the others; you’re loyal, which is quality I like all of my agents to have. You protect the ones you care about meaning that if I ever needed leverage I would have it.”

“Threatening me will get you nowhere.” I responded but I could feel my heart beat a little faster at his statement.

“I don’t make threats,” He says. “Besides it seems like you outsmarted me again seeing as your friends slipped through my grasp for a second time.”

“A second time?” I questioned not keeping the shock out of my voice.

“Yes the first house was in Clovelly, the second being here.” When I didn’t make a sound he let out a knowing hum. “It seems like they have outsmarted me without you and your friends help, very interesting.”

“You won’t touch them.” I said quickly. “We aren’t the only smart ones that know how to deal with you.”

“You mean by avoiding us? Oh real scary.”

“We’re doing more than that.”

“Oh yes believe me I know.” He pauses and I hear a shuffle of papers. “Lucky Criminal, cute name.”

“Lockstar isn’t much better.” I replied and he laughed yet again, what was with him and laughing?

“No I guess not, but we do have one thing in common.”

“We don’t have anything in common.”

“Oh really?” He dragged the word out. “We both have determined, strong headed, and loyal people working for us, your friend Kathy proved that today.”

“Kathy?” I faked being confused hoping that he was bluffing. “Sorry Mike, looks like you got the wrong girl.”

“I doubt that Ms. Carter.” He says back his voice growing icy. “But I may be wrong, so just to make sure you don’t have a friend that looks like she belongs in Neverland?”

“Nope.” I reply popping the “p” hoping that he had the wrong girl or was just lying, he was good at that.

“Are you sure, what a shame.” He tsked. “You want to try convincing her?” He spoke to someone else who let out a muffled cry. I heard something rip and harsh breathing before the phone was pressed to their ear.

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