Chapter 28- Who's Really Dead?

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I could give you a long detailed explanation of why I haven’t updated in forever but I’ll skip it and get right to the story. Oh and for Spring break, which is the last week of March for me, I will try to update 4 out of the 7 days, if I don’t you can yell at me and asking what the hell? I feel extremely bad for just leaving you guys hanging there when the second book is almost done…. Whoa I can’t believe that….. anyways enjoy this Halloween themed chapter.


Chapter 28


Date: October 31

Location: Safe House

Time: 4:21 p.m.


Why? That seemed the question to be running through my mind all week. Why didn’t he tell me? Why did Valentin purposefully try and hide the fact that John was missing?

I didn’t know if it was from jealously or anger or pride that made him not say a word. Maybe he believed he could get John back before I would notice but the hours stretched into days and we still didn’t have a clue where he was.

The date Valentin and I had been the best and worst one I had. It was the best because it was with someone I genuinely cared about; it was the worst because we got into the biggest argument ever. That’s when the whys began.

I remember yelling and screaming at him, demanding to know why he deliberately kept me from something this important so we could on some frivolous date. John was a part of our group, a part of our family that never quite functioned right and he was gone. No one knew where he went and he wasn’t answering his phone.

That argument branched off into similar ones we had briefly fought over before but were now blown out of proportion. By the end my throat was sore and my eyes stung with unshed tears as he said something that made my heart break before wrapping itself in an icy shell.

Now it was like the time when we first met. Valentin and I wouldn’t talk and wouldn’t even look at each other now. Thick tension hung in a room if we were both in it that couldn’t be cut with even the strongest knife.

I wanted to go to him and say I’m sorry and ask for his help, I felt so lost in this world, but my pride kept me from doing so. I would not show him that I was weak; I would not beg for his help, I could do things on my own.

And that’s what made me feel so alone.

Sure the others were around but it wasn’t the same. It’s like a blind man being able to see only to have his sight taken away from him again. Sure he was back to what he was used to, what he knew, but it wasn’t the same after he experienced a taste of what it was like to see.

I had been with someone that I was falling for and now that he hates me it’s hard to get back in that old routine when I long for something that I can’t have.

“You should’ve seen it coming,” Iris said and I looked up from my computer to her. “That this was going to happen.”

“What that John was going to leave?” I ask even though I knew that wasn’t the topic she wanted to discuss.

“No you and V.”

“Weren’t you the one trying to get us together?” I questioned closing my computer.

“That’s beside the point,” She says with a wave of her hand. “I mean you’re ridiculously smart and told me countless times that you wouldn’t get involved and what did you do?” She asks rhetorically. “You got involved, with an assassin no less and let me tell you getting involved with one of them is extremely stupid.”

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