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Third book in the Lockstar Trilogy: Once, Twice, Sold.

When it is coming out: June 1st

Now to explain why it is going to be so long before the third book comes out is for a bunch of a reasons. The first being that I have the advocacy project coming up, a few college visits, the ACT, my ethnography project, finals, and newspaper. So far it is looking like I might become the ENC (Editor in Chief) so that means I have to take on a whole lot of work the next two months and I frankly don’t know how to do any of it yet. So yeah I will be pretty crammed for time and I don’t want to give you guys any bad chapters so I will wait until the stress is over to give you an awesome chapter.

To make up for all that missing time I’m doing something a little different. You guys seemed to like the spin-off chapter from Valentin’s POV during the sleeping arrangements so I decided to do a couple more spin-offs but I couldn’t choose which one. You guys can pick you top two or three of what you want to read.

The choices are:

Terri’s POV from when Holly’s men came in to attack the house to the point where he dies :(

Sam’s POV of where she, Maria and Matt go after Aura sends them away

Any characters POV you want from when they are escaping from Lockstar

Valentin’s POV from he and Aura’s date

Michael’s POV from the end of the book when the real M.L.A comes in

M.L.A POV when he enters and see’s the man who tricks him

LJ’s POV of why she wants to help Aura



Summary: (might change)

"Third in the Lockstar Trilogy" We thought it had been over, that we had won, that we were safe. We were wrong. While Lockstar was gone and Michael was behind a thick layer of guards it didn't mean that someone else couldn't take their place. The Lamour, the largest assassin cult in the world, took advantage of the world while it was licking its wounds. Most people went back to being oblivious but for me the message was clear, the game wasn't over yet. They were trying to find something or someone and killed anyone that stood in their way. Even worse they decided to make their own human trafficking business and I'm on the top of their list. If I haven't gotten your attention now then nothing will.

Teaser Chapter: (Again not going to be the first chapter but a few chapters in)


Okay that was um….. awkward. I didn’t know what to say much less what to do as I pulled back quickly and tried to play it off with a smile. Pat was of course being slightly oblivious to it all as he just smiled dreamily at me. Don’t get me wrong he’s a nice guy and while it had been almost 5 months since I had seen any of the others, who am I kidding myself, since I’ve seen Valentin I still couldn’t seem to be normal. I shied away from the others activities and the only reason I came with them tonight is because it would look completely pathetic to be alone on your birthday.

“Happy birthday Lexi,” I cringed on the inside as he used my fake name but I smiled back at him hoping it didn’t come out as a grimace.

“Thanks,” I muttered back and finally found my keys, would have been better if I found them five minutes ago but what was a girl to do? “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

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