Ch 7: Nine Years ago

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A/N: OPINIONS ON SIN AND KAI? who do we like better hmm? 


Sin POV:

"so are we just going to ignore the whole, scythe larger than my body thing you have going on?"

I ignored the dog, looking through various magical artifacts in the room, taking small things that could be of use. 

I had put a spell upon the door, no one would be entering the tower for a long while.

"so thats a yes."

I glanced at the man as he apparently rolled over one of many bodies and removed their valuables. 

he was less like a dog and more like a rat in his hoarding of pointless bobbles and trinkets.

"what is it you do?"

He looked over at me in obvious surprise, "she speaks!...sort of. you initiated conversation with me I am genuinely flattered."

He is not worth the trouble.

This is why I rarely give into curiosity.

"I am what you need me to be for the right price..a Jack of all trades if you will."

I processed this, "so you are useless."

"not useless. Just not as narrow minded as you and I make plenty of money doing such."


He continued on, "As you have seen, I am an expert marksman, you of all people cannot tell me that is useless."

"Have I hurt the dogs pride?"

"I have plenty i assure you it can take a blow or two I simply wish to know your reasoning."

"men like you lack focus."

"oh goody I have been upgraded from dog to man. And I can focus plenty well."

"but a few gold coins will sway you."

"I can assure you I am much more expensive."

That was not the point.

This entire conversation is a waste of time.

I stepped over the bodies of dead men to the far corner. they kept my satchel as well. It was good I would not need to waste my time and make another.

Several weapons I attached to myself, others went into the satchel. disappearing into the darkness. 

I could feel him behind me, "well if thats not fucking useful I don't know what is. Those bottomless bags cost an arm and a leg."

Because they are not easy to make. to defy dimensions of a space is not an easy task the smaller the original space, the more difficult, "they are not bottomless."

"but practically, thats what everyone call them anyways."

Because the majority is an idiot, I must be so as well?

I think not.

"Where did you get it? they are expensive as kings whore and even harder to find."

"A whore is always cheap. it simply depends on the mans funds."

He paused, "I guess thats true, if a man can toss away 1000 gold coins if it were nothing it is equal to a peasants 50 copper."

So he has some sort of sense after all.

Explains why he has yet to die.

"So where did you get it?"

I pulled down the hood of my cloak and deftly tied up my hair. ultimately I decided to throw  him a bone, "I made it."

He blinked at me, " made it? The only sorcerers who have the power to do such are hundreds of years old. the youngest is 102 I believe and there is only what four of them?"

"Is that so."


"No wonder none of them can stand up to me, they are all so pathetically weak."

He paused, "seriously? thats what you got out of that? do you know how much money you can make off those bags?!"

"I do not care for money."

"Then why are you in the business of killing people?"

I met his gaze steadily, "I enjoy it"

With a flick of my wrist, my hood was back in its rightful place. 

"okay as weirdly sexy as that is, I'm not buying it. Thats a self indulgent reason. self indulgent people don't camp in the woods and keep from jewelry."

I nodded my head slightly. this was true. 

"you may like your work but that is not the reason you do it."

Perhaps, less stupid then I has assumed. 

I made my way to my scythe, running my re-clawed fingers over the intricate symbols gently. 

"You came all the way back for that. Its cool and all but not irreplaceable is it?"

"It is."

"oh. where did you get it?"

I stayed silent, wrapping my fingers around it. 

"It means something to you miss assassin?"

"This will be the weapon I use to decapitate the king of Misha."

"The king of Misha? Largest kingdom in the realms? most guarded King in all the realms? King Mison? that king?"

I nodded.

"are you insane?!"

"Why is it you think he is so guarded? It was not always that way."

"He got paranoid nine years ago, no one knows why. Since then he's been pretty much ruthless with his soldiers and the head I mean."

"I do."

"seriously? you know why the king went crazy? care to share?"

Of course I know. "no."

Nine years ago, I woke up.

And he knew I was coming. 

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