Ch 22: Nigziem

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I stretched the ache out of my back, massaged the pain from my shoulders, and cracked the discomfort from my knuckles.

Exhausted, the dog had eventually lost his fight to stay awake and was currently leaning against the opposite wall, breath coming in soft puffs.

Sleeping in a sitting position was not a smart choice but i severely doubted he did many intelligent things.

An intelligent man would have left me for dead and saved the realms much pain.

He carried a woman who wanted him dead to safety.

I knew very well it was the instincts of his species doing such, but I deeply disliked being in debt. "Your species, the beast masters as would be called in common tongue. Were once warriors for the old realm. I had thought they had gone extinct. But you are half, a mongrel with one heartbeat."

His yellow eyes had opened when I began my brief explanation, "your speaking again."

"I am repaying you. I shall answer three of your questions and leave today without murdering you. Next time I see you. I will not be so kind."

He sat up fully, eyes wide, "seriously? Your not lying? You'll answer my questions?"

"If I have the answer."

He smiled a bit, "thank you."

"You have five seconds to start asking or I renounce my offer."

"Okay okay damn if the beast whatever's where part of the old realm how do you know about them and know they supposedly died?"

I chose to ignore that he asked two questions in one, "I know much of the old realm, of its history. And if they had not all died, the royal family would have lived. They were their secret guard a secret army."

His nose wrinkled, "cannot say I see myself following some kings whims. If they all died, then how am I here?"

I thought this over for a second, that was a valid question. How would he be alive? His father must have been one of them for him to be half and their kind had a magical pull they were born with to follow the royals of Nigziem, "he must have betrayed the pull and in turn the royal family of Nigziem. He most likely became a mercenary and i would assume turned to some sort of drug to numb the physical pain your kind gets when they betray that bloodline. He has been running ever since I would think."

The yellow eyes man rolled his eyes, "yes running for 1000 years Sin, that makes perfect sense."

"Your kind is immortal, idiot."

That shut him up. "Oh..and this doesn't count as question three lets call it two and a half okay? So what the hell is a nigzi-whatever."

How daft can one man be, "the seventh realm."

He sat in silence for a long moment, " said that these people felt pulls toward the royal family?"

"Why else would you obey me so?"

He went stalk still, "excuse me?"

"That was your third question dog"

"How about you give me a fourth? Sin what the hell do you mean by that?"

I weighed my options and in the end decided to humor him, "1000 years ago a princess died."

"I figured from the clothes."

"Her kingdom sought to protect her, so they had locked her in a room hidden beneath the palace, a room that time did not effect in the slightest. One where age and the outside world could not kill her. Where mortal things such as hunger were felt but she would not die from the lack of supplies."

"And so they broke into the room and killed her?"

"No one ever found the room. The princess, well adept in her use of magic waited for ten moons for someone to fetch her before using her magic to view the outside world, there she saw her people systematically slaughtered by strange men of distant lands her father had strived to aid. She saw women who possessed magic raped in the hopes of producing children they could use as warriors."

"Holy shit."

I looked to the ceiling where i instinctually knew the moon was in the sky, "her mother being a born royal knew what they would do for the magic of the moonshides, the species of the royal family. And with her magic the little girl saw her mother commit suicide to prevent a fate worse than death. This little girl watched and watched the world around her, eventually forests grew over the destroyed palace walls, the other country's dividing up much of the land for themselves."

"How long was she in that room."

"A long time. She watched the world move on the murders of her kin have familes of their own and prosper, the king who started it all have a prince, and so on. Her land and her people slowly forgotten and written off. It was a 500 year mourning period for her before she vowed revenge. For the next five hundred years or so she would practice her magic between watching and plotting against those who destroyed what she held dear. Who ripped away her wonder and innocence. She watched princesses dance with their fathers when they were wed, have children of their own and carry on in their greed."

Understanding flashes behind his eyes, "And then?"

"Nine years ago the girl found a way to break her bonds and escape that room. The first thing she did was write the family who started the war that took her from her own. For they still knew who she was."

"Mison Misha."

I nodded once.

"What was her name, this little girl?"

"Sinclair Nigziem."

The cave fell utterly silent broken only by his voice in the softest of whispers, "Its nice to meet you Sinclair."

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