Ch 28: Stray Dog's

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A/N: I love to write Sin and Kai's story because to me nothing beats a good anti-hero and you so rarely see it in books...



Kai POV:

Panmai was already rubbing me the wrong way. Everywhere you look you see the same sun darkened olive skin and dark hair. Not one person had eyes that held color.

The other kingdoms were much more diverse than Panmai.

if there was a magic wielder in this country and their prolonged usage changed the pigment of their hair they simply dyed it black.

this was a land centered around unity even if only in appearance.

It was no wonder Sin sent me in her stead, covered or not, one sliver of that pale skin would give her away as an outsider. The overgrown bangs of my hair already partly covers my unusual eyes, its nearly impossible to notice with a hood on top of that. My golden skin suited this land well as does my hair. it is not uncommon for those of Panmai's upper class to take large beasts as Nazar is written off after a few glances. The only issue I have with lingering looks is due to my height. But that tends to happen no matter where I reside. A side effect of my fathers beast genes I am now sure.

all of this though is beside the point.

The point at the moment is Harems.

the treasure of the king has one.

They were quite welcoming when I appeared in the mans yard and more than happy to pour me wine and feed me exotic fruits as I waited under the pretense of being a good friend to the treasurer.

Yet I was bored already.

They are beautiful. all five of them. But they where just not exciting when in a group. Sweet as they are, and pretty as the look, it would be shame to kill them with the old man too.

but if push comes to shove...none of them are prettier than my new mistress so they don't really have much to offer at the end of the day.

Pity. "ladies."

The women looked up at me, giggling softly. Each of them echoing, "Yes Kai?"

"Do you know when your husband will be arriving home?"

They shrugged, not seeming to care all that much.

The one with the large chest nearest to me pouted, "well..he does leave on business a lot so we get lonely...How about while you wait for him we all play."

I just love it when a man's wife is a whore.

one of the other girls on the other hand swatter her, "don't be rude because our husband hasn't paid you any mind. I am sure Kai has wives of his own."

"Actually ladies, I'm not so fortunate to have women as lovely as you dote upon me."

The frowned, "not even a single wife..."

I nearly cringed forgetting how...strange that was for a man of my age in panmai. suspicious too. "Well...there is one woman I happen to be pining for."

They giggled again, the chesty one cuddling closer, "tell us about her. Is she beautiful."

I nodded, taking a long drink of my wine, "The most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on. elegant and strong spirited. She is truly a woman like no other"

They awed.

Nazar snorted beside me.

one of the women to my left with large doe eyes leaned forward "What is she like?"

I shrugged, listening keenly as a door closed in the distance. "there lies the problem my dears. I do my very best to show my lovely what she is missing and you know what she does?"

They shook their pretty empty heads, "she tells me to go die!"

The gasped. "no!"

Nazar's ears perked up as he looked to the closed doors before us, I smirked a bit, "Yes!"

"What a cold woman!"

"She is like an injured wild cat dears, she simply needs patience I am sure. and I will do what I must."

The busty one smiled, "how kind of you."

I nodded, "most certainly, in fact today I am going to be one step closer to earning her trust."

They looked confused, "how so?"

I smiled sweetly, "Simple. I'm going to gut your husband like a pig and bring her his head." The room fell silent just in time for the treasurer to walk through the doors and me to pull one of my hidden blades, "welcome to the party mr treasurer!"

He gaped at the scene before him.

"Your wives are pretty I do think I'll be leaving them alone. but, sadly, my mistress is far prettier and I have a job to do so you will not be granted the same luxury. Nazar."

With a growl, the wolf lunged for him, giving me time to slip away and circle around to the other side.

It really should have been easy. a quick stab and dash. but of course things are never that simple.

Rather than an easy kill, I nearly get my head chopped off by a sword, causing me to lurch back and kit the ground in a crouch. "...if that hulking beast of a wolf is any sign that means our would be assassin is my dear friend Kai."

Slowly, I glared up at the man who ruined my easy kill, before stringing to my full height, "Asrah. I suggest you brush up on your common tongue. would be implies your fathers treasurer is going to live through this night."

The crown prince of Panmai looked up at me with cautious brown eyes, "if you intend to live Kai, so will he."

I smirked down at him, "I do not think you can stop me Rah."

"I'm making you a deal Kai, so you can leave Panmai peacefully without an army on your back for my death."

"Oh.." I sighed sardonically, "who said anything about killing you?" My lips curled into a sneer, "I think my mistress would much prefer to meet you herself."

his eyes went wide, "mistress?"

I shrugged, "I rather like the way it rolls off the tongue." Peering at him through my lashes I twirled my dagger, "besides Asrah, even your family must realize when you toss out your stray dog's, they might just sniff out another master to serve." Rolling my shoulders I grinned, "Nazar."

The Wolf struck the treasurer as I lunged for the prince.

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