Ch 12: Perhaps it was Instinct.

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A/N: Sins jacket!


Sin POV:

He ate slowly, looking around the grand dining room in slight awe, "I'm surprised you fed me."

"pets need to be fed."

"you should also pet your pet, shall I remove my clothes so you may pay proper attention to me?" 

I ignored him.

He sighed, "Look miss assassin, you obviously are thinking hard about something so I'm just going to go amuse myself after I finish my weird food."

He has not asked further about the painting, which came as a surprise to me. The man was obviously curious about his origins. But strangely enough, he knew when to remain quiet.

Well some of the time.

He resumed staring at me as I ate slowly.

He wanted to ask me something, it was obvious in the way his eyes were slightly narrowed.

I opted to throw him a bone, tilting my head in his direction, "speak."

He rose a brow "Why are you wearing such a heavy coat in the fall? what happened to your cloak?"

...He did not notice? "it is snowing you fool."

He paused, "huh? seriously? I was sort of distracted this wonder you have so many fires going.."another pause, "and why is it snowing in the fall?"

"the forbidden forest follows no rules, not even those set by nature."

"So it snows in the fall?"

"And occasionally in the summer. It can go from sweltering to freezing in a matter of days."

Kai processed this "I'm going to die here aren't I?"

"most likely."

He took a long drink of water from his goblet. "well..where are you going all bundled up?"

I stayed silent for a moment, contemplating if I should say, "hunting."

"People hunting or animal hunting?"

"there are no people here."

He nodded. looking around, "so did you ever find any mens clothes when you stumbled upon this place? I have every intention of following you."

I rose from my seat and gestured for him to follow me down the winding, broken, halls.

We stopped at a grand door in the west wing, I opened it with a wave of my hand.

He let out a low whistle at the mass of luxuries crafted from fabrics, eyes barely skimming the tattered maid uniforms and the like, going directly to the rich colors and furs.

This man really did have a preference for all things considered valuable by common men.  "this place is amazing. did you move everything here?"

I nodded once. 

"how long ago did you find this place Sin?"

"shortly before I became what I am."

He looked at me briefly before running his fingers over a cloak made from a white Sabercat, "what sort of fur is this?"

"I do not know."

"no. you do. you just want to keep your little secrets. thats alright though miss assassin. makes things more interesting." He moved on to several other things, pausing at a huge trunk.

From it he removed a smaller box.

I looked away as he opened it.

I already knew what it was. 

Bloodied children's clothes; A lavender dress with silver stitching, a small cream cloak with matching socks, little lavender shoes tied with silver ribbon, embroidered ribbon for weaving through braids, and a crown made of delicate silver chains a diamond meant to rest onto the center of ones forehead. Everything in that box was destroyed; the crowns chains broken, the dress tattered with holes and soaked in blood. It was all soaked in blood.

He held the cream cloak in his hands, staring at the pink and red stains it held, "you know sin. I have killed children before."

"As have I"

"I find I do not like preforming such a task. It is the only time I feel guilt after a kill."

"...we are the same in that way. but I do what I must."

He put it down, instead picking up the crown, "a gypsy crown...the royal family of my home country uses these rather than the heavy metal constructions most kingdoms prefer."

"Panmai is a country of flowing garments and incredible heat. anything heavy is a burden upon the human form."

"You have been?"

I nodded once.

He snorted, "horrible place Panmai. everyones so annoyingly serious. did you know if you were caught stealing they chop off your hand?"

I gave another nod.

"I have not seen the desert land I was born into in many years.. vowed I would never return there." He grinned at me a little over his shoulder, "I suppose now you know where you can escape from me to."

I did not reply.

He appeared to be working through something within himself, his relaxed demeanor gone.

Suddenly he grinned broadly again and his usual disregard for things returned, "Anyways. I wonder how old she was when she died. She liked ducks you know, and cats. but not together. something about the cat eating the duck."

"She was young. that is all that matters."

"had some nice things too. this little princess." His eyes drifted around the room before widening, "found it! perfect really. Hey Nazar get over here!"

I watched the wolf slink away from the furs he was sniffing and to where Kai stood.

Slowly he strapped leathers to the massive animal. "There. now you can help carry whatever we kill."

the animal nodded once as the man pulled on the matching coat.

How ironic that he would choose those for he and his companion.

The traditional clothing of his people. or part of it at least.

Perhaps it was instinct. his blood screaming the truth through his veins.

He turned to me, humorous glint in his yellow eyes as he offered me his hand, "shall we go m'lady?"

I ignore him, drifting into the hall and out into the snowy land through one of the many holes in the walls.

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