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     I've always liked books, since before I was in school. I loved to read since I was four, though I couldn't read complicated books I read what I could. Since I'm only 15 I can't drive myself places so I walk from my house, down a couple blocks, to the library, check out a few books, stuff them in my bag, and walk to the nearest cafe, which coincidentally happens to be my favorite cafe in town. 

       The owner know's me quite well and always has English breakfast tea ready for me with a little bowl of sugar, I hand him a 5 and take my tea to my favorite spot. I know the tea is only $2.50 so they bring me some sort of little snack since I over pay, sometimes it's a muffin, other times it's a fruit of some sort. I love their blueberry muffins, they put just the perfect amount of powdered sugar on top. I'm in love with sweets in case you haven't noticed, and since you know I like sweets can you guess what my favorite type of books are? Yup! Romantic ones. 

      It seems weird for a boy to like romantic books doesn't it? Well get over it. Since I love romantic books I'm a hopeless romantic. What's weird enough is even with how popular I am, none of my friends seem to know my love for books or my secret for romantics. My school is really weird, though I'm popular I still don't talk to many people, which is good enough for me, it gives me more time alone and time to love books by myself.  Summer time is my favorite time because I get to go to the library and my cafe as much as I want. 

      I always get giddy when I see the building to Andre's cafe because I know that my tea is just a few more steps away, however today my giddiness disappeared when I saw the building. Andre was sitting outside the door step in the rain, smoking a cigarette, and the lights to the cafe were off, which was unusual. "Hey Andre, the cafe closed for today?" I asked as I strolled up, standing next to him to avoid the rain. "Actually closed forever. They kicked me" He seems depressed about it so I don't think I should make a huge deal about it being closed "Dude that sucks! This is my favorite cafe in town! Who else has the best English Breakfast tea?" I pat his arm and he chuckles.

      "I guess you'll just have to come on over and have tea with me and the wife." I can tell he's slightly joking but I take it totally serious "Do I get to pet the cat and hold the baby?" I ask the slightly less depressed man "Not in that order but yea, come on over after your visit to the library, though you won't get much reading done at my apartment" I'm glad he noticed my little rout. "That's okay, I'll start reading at the library before coming over." I smile and turn on my heel and start walking "Where are you going?" He calls. I turn but continue to walk backwards "To the library, see you in an hour and a half?" I call back, I can hardly see it but he nods to me and I continue on my way, setting an alarm on my phone to let me know when to start walking to his place. 

    I've only been to his apartment a few times, and the last time I was there his wife went into labor which was the scariest shit I've ever witnessed. I had to sit in the back of the car with her on the ride to the hospital. She gripped my hand so tight, she actually sprained it. Seriously that woman has the strength that her husband wishes he could possess. 

     I reach the library and walk in "Hello Nyx, Welcome back, did you finish your books already?" I chuckle at the 17 year old behind the desk "Not yet Mandy. Actually my favorite cafe is closing down so I'll be spending time here reading before heading over to a friends for tea." she smiled at me and nodded her head. I knew she went to the same cafe so I could tell she was sad about it getting closed down as well. I nod back to her and head off to the room where all the tables and bean bags were. 

     I always noticed the boy who read his book silently in the bean bag corner with his headphones in and his hood up, but I've never spoken to him. I sat at a table a few seats away so I could observe him. For some reason I wanted to see him, but the best I could do was see what he did, Yes I realize I'm being a stalker right now, No I don't need your input. 

     I watched how his brown eyes surfed the page, gaining the information it transferred from page to his brain. I noticed locks of black hair falling from his beanie and I noticed the shine of his diamond stud in his ear. He turned the pages of the book fast so could tell he's a fast reader. I also noticed his long skinny fingers that looked so delicate. His earbuds seemed quiet so I figured he's the type to listen to soft music while reading until he pressed the middle of his earbuds and blaring rock came from them. Must have been focusing. 

       I looked down to see what he was reading and my eyes widened. I remembered reading somewhere online "Seeing someone read a book you love is seeing a book recommend a person" It was probably Tumblr to be perfectly honest. And what I saw in his hands happened to be my most favorite book on the earth, ever. Looking for Alaska. It made me cry every time I read it. I was staring at the book in his delicate hands when I felt my entire body burning, I looked up to the boy's head and noticed he was staring at me. I blushed and fumbled with opening my book to hopefully avoid conversation with the boy, however I secretly wanted him to come over to me. 

     When I felt the burning stop I looked up, just over the top of my book to see if he was still looking at me, and he was. Just my luck. I ducked back down and heard him get up. I peaked over my book again and noticed the boy was nowhere in sight. I sigh and felt someone tap on my shoulder. I look back to see the boy, which made me yelp a little, well, who wouldn't. "Are you stalking me?" He asked, his voice was deep but not way too deep. It was deep enough to know he wasn't a girl. "N-no!" I say a little too loud, I got shushed from a couple of other people in the library "No"I say a little quieter. "Then why do you keep looking at me?" He whispers to me, sitting next to me. I scoot away a little, giving him some room and face him a little with my body. "Sorry, I just thought you were pretty and I...." I felt the blush creeping up my face slowly "I really like the book you're reading" I finally finished. 

     I've always been a shy guy. Conversations have never been easy for me, especially when it was someone I seemed to have a little interest in. I didn't even know this boy's name, let alone what he was like and I already have an interest in him? Does that seem desperate? "It's my favorite book" he smiled down on it, blush dusting his cheeks, his hard brown eyes turn soft suddenly and he seemed... normal. "Mine too" I smile at him "I'm Simon by the way." He doesn't offer his hand to shake so I don't either when I say "I'm Nyx" his eyes widen and he seemed excited "Whoa! Your name is so cool!" I giggle a little and say "Thanks, I got it for my birthday" leading Simon to chuckle. 

     "You like reading?" I look at Simon like he's crazy. "No. I love it!"  Simon smiles at me and suggests we read together for a bit before he has to go and I agree. After an hour my phone alarm goes off and I glance at it before remembering "I have to go meet a friend for tea." I glance at Simon who looks a little disappointed. "I'll come  back tomorrow" I offer and he smiles "Me too. I guess I'll see you here?" I hold out my pinky "Promise"  he looks at me and chuckles "What are you 12?" I giggle a little "Not far from it actually, I'm 15" he looks at me baffled "I'm 16, I thought you were older than me with how intelligent you look. " I puff my cheeks out a little "I'm the smartest in the sophomore class, I'll have you know." he chuckles and flicks my forehead "Tomorrow?" he asks holding out my book. 

     I blush and promise him "Tomorrow" I take my book from him and head over to Andre's house. Upon arrival I told him and his wife everything while holding their beautiful daughter Saidie. "I forget your into boys sometimes" Andre's wife Sandra says and Andre corrects her before I could even think about it "Technically he's into both genders, he just prefers boys." he winks at me and I smile back. "All this happiness, over a book?" Andre seems to question it but he's still smiling. I nod and say "Not just any book, The book" 

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