4: Glitter-wielders Have No Mercy

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"Leila!" I heard my name being bellowed from behind. I turned to see Gregory running towards me at full speed. "Hi, Gregory – How's life?" I asked turning to smile at him with a wink. Gregory came to a pause beside me, panting – his face was gleaming, and his eyes behind his glasses where shining. They were a piercing blue, I noticed.

"That was bloody awesome!" he said, pointing back towards the debate room. "What?" I asked nonchalantly as he fell into step with me, "the debating or the afters . . ." Gregory looked at me in surprise. "Well, ofcourse the debating was really good, but what you did after that! I . . . I don't think anyone's ever rejected Zakir Al Hyder Khan like that! That was just so, so." He paused distraught, looking for the right word.

"Feminist?" I suggested. "Yes!" he smiled, as I laughed at his gleaming mirth, "But, how did you do it but? They say Zakir's kisses are like Nirvana." "Nahh," I replied, with feigned indifference as one again the feelings I had felt then, began to warm my belly, "he's okay."

To my surprise Gregory began laughing. "You're blushing," he said pointedly, "and don't deny it. Everybody in that room knew you were enjoying that kiss and so was Zakir. Man, you guys were so hot that even we could feel the heat. That's why it surprised us so much, that you were able to break away so suddenly, and even kick him while you did that!"

I felt my cheeks warm. I looked at Gregory and smiled. He was nice chap; I felt I could confess in him. After all, we'd shaken on friendship, and isn't sharing what friends do?

"Okay fine Greg," I said, "it was a better than just okay – but totally not electric or anything. . . But you remember when he told me I'd never be able to kick him while he was kissing me because of his 'talent'?" Gregory nodded. "That's why I had to do it Greg," I said solemnly, "because he needs someone to keep his huge ego in check, not to fuel it even more!"

Gregory nodded again, admiration spreading through his features. "Totally," he said, "everybody there was dumbstruck, I swear they haven't seen anything like that before. I can literally see the newspaper heads – 'Dashing Debater with Diabolic Hair Rejects Serious Serial Kisser'!" I laughed at Gregory's horrible joke, pretending to look hurt at his description of my hair, "I'm guessing by this that you aren't in the newspaper team, then?"

"Well, they don't know what they are missing out on," Gregory said, wriggling his eyebrows in an eerie rhyme "but coming back to the kiss, two major things will come out of this." "What?" I asked. "First," said Gregory, "every-single-person on campus will get to know you and not as the girl who made it to the debate team, but she who rejected Zakir Al Hyder Khan's kiss. Now, lots of people who think Zakir is just a pompous ass or those who are acquainted with his 'talents' will begin to love and admire you."

"Many women however, will look down upon you because with your behaviour you have made all of them look stupid. Also, for the men, you will become a big catch, and if I'm not wrong there will be bets on 'Who can kiss Leila and not get kicked.' But basically, for weeks now this, this incident will be your identity."

I stared at Gregory in alarm, as he finished – quite serious now. "Really?" I frowned, "that's horrible! I don't want to be known as something as pathetic as that! And I'm a woman with a brain for God's sake. Not some sick thing to bet on!" "I'm sorry Leila, but usually women just pool into mush when Zakir kisses them." said Gregory.

"Well." I said straightening up and putting on my best 'snob-face', "I don't care. If anyone does kiss me, other than my knees I also have elbows, which I intend to use brutally. Also, to kiss me, they have to tempt me, and I'm not getting tempted by any of these pansies. I am Leila Mallik, and I am here to stay single."

Staying Single #JustWriteIt  #SuperChargedWhere stories live. Discover now