6: My Nuit-de-Compagnon

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"Oh My god Abida!" I exclaimed rushing to my feet to assist my crazy cousin, "How much have you had to drink!?"

"Hic! Not much," she replied. "just about seventeen shots! Hic! We are having a competition . . ." "Competition!" I cried in mortification, concern and indignation rushing through me in waves, "Abida this is downright irresponsible. Tomorrow is a college day – are you–" "Oh come on sis hic! Live a little –" she replied swaying dangerously on between peals of high pitched laughter, "anyway I came to ask you Hic! If you if you wanted to . . . Hic! Take part in the strip-a-thon?"

"No! I most definitely do not, and I am completely sure you don't either!" I exclaimed, catching hold of her to keep her steady realising only then that Poetic Fiend – still on the scene of our little melodrama was witnessing everything.

"This is my cousin Abida," I said, turning slightly towards Poetic Fiend who looking on with a slightly amused look on his face. Way to create a good first impression Leila – Evil Inner Leila was laughing. My insides just groaned in embarrassment; trust Abida to always create a scene like this.

"But puh-hic!-leese Leila, come na! It'll be so . . . Hic! much fun! So many hot – hic! – people there" my cousin was saying in her so called seductive voice wriggling her eyebrows at me, and sounding just like a seal with a bad cold.

Poetic Fiend looked away obviously trying to hide his laughter, and even I took a moment to school a smile that had begun to emerge inspite of all efforts due to Abida's absolutely ridiculous ideas.

Taking a deep breath – and regretting that immediately – because of the putrid smell of vomit that rose my nostrils, I swallowed a gulp and turned back to my cousin with my best stern-face on, "Now look here you moron. You're covered in vomit and you can hardly stand straight – you don't need to be in any-'thon'. You need to be in bed, sleeping so that you can wake up and attend lectures tomorrow morning. Now shut up and follow me." I huffed, waiting for Abida to give in and just call it a night.

But well, that would be easy and normal and Abida wasn't easy or normal.

"NO!" she wailed stomping her foot while I proceeded to run to the gardener, borrow his shovel and dig myself a hole to hide in.

'So much for your image of being witty and fun, Leila. More like the boring Auntie who scolds fun people – Evil Inner Leila was cackling. This is when I began to hope that this would all just be one horrible dream, and Poetic fiend would be unreal or, deaf and I'd just be reading in dim light without the presence of my humiliating cousin. Thus, when I saw poetic fiend get up, and make his way towards us I couldn't help but stare in A] Surprise B] Humiliation.

"Now listen here Abida," he said softly taking my cousin's hand between his while my eyes proceeded to bulge out of my head and fall down on the ground, "I'm sure a beautiful girl like you would need her beauty sleep?"

Abida cackled, jabbing a finger into his chest. "Oh sister," she began, "where did you find this hot puppy?" My cheeks burned red, while my mind was torn between the urge to apologize and chastise. Hurriedly, I chose the former. "Umm . . . I'm so sorry," I began, trying to some much needed damage control, "she's obviously drunk out of her mind . . ."

At this he simply smiled, and while my innards did a strange flip flop at the sight of his dimples, my mind raced to notice that his smile could be described as nothing but reassuring.

"Would you allow me to walk you to your doorstep, Abida?" he asked, turning back to my cousin.

"Ohh like a . . . like a . . . hic! . . . Like . . . a gentleman!" slurred Abida. "Exactly," he replied politely, while turning around to me and motioning towards the bench with a raised eyebrow. While still in a daze, I deciphered his signal and rushed forth to collect my book, clutch and shoes while Abida and our companion walked on ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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