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I open my window, Frowning at the rain that gathers on the window frame. I close the window again. I'm disappointed. I was hoping for actual good weather today, but once again, I'm not getting it.

That's a typical British summer for you. Lovely

I close the curtains and frown. Climbing back into bed, I sigh. Waking up in the middle of the night to check the weather is a habit I need to stop, since it takes forever to get back to sleep again. This time is an exception, but as soon as I close my eyes, I hear someone talking.

"Hey, wake up." A male voice says, "hey, are you death? I said wake up."

I open my eyes and freeze for seconds at the face before me.
Said face is a ghastly white colour, framed by burnt black hair. He has eyes so blue they are almost white, and surrounding his eyes in the space where his eyelids should be are black circles. The most terrifying thing isn't the missing eyelids or the fact that he looks like he's been drained of all blood, but his Cheshire Grin that has been carved into his cheeks.

"Good morning, sunshine." He says in a voice that is a lot more human and less demon than I thought it was going to be.

I scream, grabbing my pillow and slamming it into his face whilst he tries to talk.
"Hey- would yo- can you no- stop tha-" he grabs my wrist and raises his voice "LISTEN"
I stop screaming and look at him, my breath shaking.

"Now, are you gonna stop screaming and listen to me?" He asks, his voice hostile. I nod nervously. "Good, now. A long time ago, don't butt in, there was a evil demon.... Thing called Lord Zalgo. The way we kept him and his kind-of army was with The Gatekeeper, who's job was to watch over the gate to Where The Bad Kids Go and make sure nothing got through. Now, recently, he was brutally murdered by Zalgo's demons, and there is no longer a Gatekeeper. It's taken a year, but we finally found someone who has the... Abnormal powers to keep the gate closed." He pauses and looks at me.

"That's... Me?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"Yup. Now, redhead, we don't have much time, and this is something you can't back out of wether you like it or not. Yeah, sucks to be you, but it's easy really, all you have to do is keep a door closed." The Joker Wannabe says.

"Well... I can't let people get hurt, so I guess I'll do it. I'll be this... 'Gatekeeper' and I'll save you." I say reluctantly.

"Great. Slendy had great expectations in you. He really thinks we can count on you, redhead." The Joker wannabe says.

"Please don't call me that. My names Harmony. Harmony Alder." I say, not taking a liking to his nickname for me.

"Well hi, nice to meet ya. My names Jeff, and I have a stabbing fetish." The Joker wannabe, Jeff, says. He suddenly grabs my wrist and starts to pull me out the door.

"Hey! Can I at least get some sleep first?" I protest.

"Well, thanks to your little tantrum, I don't have much time to explain, and I wanna get back before Slendy gets impatient."

The sound of my window opening brings us both to face the other side of my room, nervously.

"I'm afraid it's already to late for that." Says a voice from my window frame.

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