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My eyes fluttered open, and I turned round to see Audrey still fast asleep. I smiled, admiring how peaceful and relaxed she looked.
"Hey Lia, we're doing breakfast if you wanna wake Audrey" Brooke said from the doorway.
"Okay, will do." I smiled at Brooke and she left me to wake Audrey up.
I sat up and gently shook Audrey.
"Auds, wake up. Brooke is making breakfast" I said, my hand still on her shoulder.
Audrey stirred and then opened her eyes. She looked up at me and smiled.
"This is the best thing I've ever woken up to in my life"
I grinned back at her, we both stood up and went to the kitchen to eat with everybody. Today was dull so we weren't really planning anything - just to sit down and talk and catch up and make plans for the days that I wasn't filming. It was so weird to be with them in the flesh and not over messages.
"I can't believe I'm here to be honest. It all feels so surreal?" I said as Brooke handed me some pancakes
"Same - like we've been waiting ages for you to be here and now you are it feels like a dream" Audrey said.
I nodded, agreeing. Digging into my pancakes I listened to the chatter that was going around .

It had been a few hours since we'd eaten breakfast and Brooke had been called home and everyone else dispersed too, we had agreed to meet tomorrow for a beach day assuming that it wasn't going to rain. Audrey and I were lying on her bed listening to music and just doodling. Matt had texted me asking if Audrey, Brooke, Jake, Emma and the rest wanted to do sort of an interview thing for my film, and they had all agreed so in a couple of days, they were going to be on camera with me.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked Audrey, my life had turned around massively, and I had everyone to thank. I still couldn't believe I was in America filming my own film. This was more than a dream come true, it was a life ambition. And I'd managed to achieve it at just 18 years of age.
"I could ask the same thing to you Lia, you've changed my life so much and for the better, I don't know what I would do without you". She smiled at me and I finally realised what it was that I had been missing.

I hope you enjoyed, comment your thoughts!! xo Bea

Bicurious and the Filmmaker | Audrey Jensen Where stories live. Discover now