Chapter four

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"There's not a chair for Lydia." Stiles had sat at their usual lunch table for all of four seconds before saying something regarding his best friend. Scott and Allison were used to it and Isaac should have been as well, but he groaned.
"For once, could you just forget that she even exists or is that like an impossible standard." Isaac chucks a fry in his direction that he easily dodges.
"Yes. Let me momentarily forget my best friend." The sarcasm was undeniable and not even subtle. "Our moms were best friends before mine died, we used to take freaking bubble baths together when we were three." Speaking of. Lydia had strolled up to their lunch table, slightly out of breath as she rapidly began to apologize for being late but Mr.Harris this and chemistry that. There was a silence as she looked around the table for her seat and noticed there was none. Stiles sighed, leaned back so he was in range of the table behind their's, and tapped on Greenburg's shoulder.

"Sorry, I think I put my homework in your chair before you sat." Stiles smiled. Greenburg, being the nice kid he was, stood so he could retrieve his work only for the chair to be stolen out from under him and offered to Lydia at their own table. She crossed her arms and glared before the boy returned the chair to its rightful owner and apologized with a grumble.

She brushed it off and tugged on his shirt, whispering something in his ear about eating in the gym. Happily, they said goodbye to their companions and linked arms, already on their way down the hall. Freshman automatically assumed they were dating, the tiny boys on the lacrosse team congratulating Stilinski on his girlfriend. It happened so often that Stiles wasn't even surprised, he didn't even ask who they were talking about, replying in monotone how him and Lydia were best friends. This often lead to another assumption; Stiles Stilinski was gay.

But he wasn't, had assured the little bastards that he'd dated girls (hot girls) before. He failed to mention how it was actually only one girl and how he'd wept as though on some teenage drama series. The freshman would exchange weary glances and agree with the senior before brushing past him. Stiles didn't care, the opinions of boys who's voices were still squeaky didn't really matter to him.

She told him timidly in the pitch black gym when he had finished all of his food and if the lights had been on, surely she would've seen him on the verge of puking. He quietly rejected her ideas of torture arguing just because he still had slight feelings for Malia, didn't mean she was his property forever.
"Still doesn't make it right." Lydia grumbled, spitting out absurd ideas. There was the usual talk of kidnapping and body bags but she had taken it too far when discussing the invention/ mutation of a new radio active species with a craving specifically for tall, tan, brunettes.

He declined again....didn't necessarily mean he hadn't considered it.

There was no denying in this moment that Lydia was possibly the best person and best friend he could have ever known. For starters, when rumor started around that Stiles had a nasty STD from spending a cheap night with a hooker, Lydia was the only one to have told him. Just now, in the dark-as-my-soul-gym, in fact. Not only was she the one to tell him, she was also the one coming up with the absurd ideas of eliminating who they both thought had started them. Malia.

After a minute or two of silence and acceptance of the fact that despite his protests Lydia would definitely ruin the girl, the two left the gym and headed to the parking lot. And what they found, wasn't all that much of a surprise.

"I'm going to kill her."
"Don't even try and stop me, Stilinski."
But he already had a hand wrapped around her wrist and was dragging her in the direction of the jeep. He muttered under his breath: "Just because Malia is eating Theo's face doesn't mean I still like her and you have to figure out a murder weapon."

Lydia yanked her arm out of his grip and furrowed her brows. "But I thought you do still like her?" Stiles stared at her for a good minute, trying and failing to come up with an excuse.
He sighed in frustration. "Yeah, well..." There was no way to lie about this one. Grumbling under his breath, the boy hopped into the drivers side of the jeep and crossed his arms like a child, watching Lydia through the windshield.

But she didn't join him. Instead, an almost evil smile grew over her face and she glanced in the direction from which they had come. Stiles knew that grin.
"Lydia Martin whatever you are thinking right now, don't you dare." He spoke loudly so she could hear him through his tin can of a car. The girl lets out a long whistle, as if saying "I didn't just hear you" and turns on her foot.

She took off with an intense ferocity and a fire in her eyes, backing away from the vehicle in a speed he'd never seen capable in heels prior to this moment. As soon as his strawberry had disappeared behind a white sedan, the boy managed to fumble out of his own car and chase after her. It was kind of...too late. When he rounded the corner she was already fully ignited, yelling at the tan legs longer than her own and "how dare she" and "I've got a body bag with your name on it". He almost laughed at the little ball of rage but came to his sense and yanked her away from Malia. It was not necessary, he told her in a stern but hushed voice. She didn't entirely believe him.

After falsely promising she had calmed, Lydia turned around and collided her hand to the girls cheek. There were several shouts of protests from both boys, Theo pushing Malia aside while puffing out his chest to the arguing ball of fire in front of him. Stiles had the same idea, guiding Lydia safely behind him while imitating Theo.
"It was me, keep your goddamn hands off of her." Theo growled over Stiles shoulder.

"Then you'll agree you deserve this?" It was Stiles' fist against Theo's cheek now and gasps and protests from the girls this time. Lydia had to drag him away as Malia clung to the hurt boys arm.
"You started the rumor?" She asked.
"He was being a dick, babe. I couldn't let him get away with that."

There was one final slap; Malia to Theo leaving both Stiles and Lydia a little stunned. The girl (as though perfecting the Lydia Martin strut) stormed away through the parking lot before turning around for a moment. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea." She apologized before continuing her path. Theo trailed after her like a dog who had just been hit by a car.
Authors note:

Btw happy late birthday to Sky-GrounderGirl LOVE YOU BABE!
Comment, read, enjoy!!

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