The Real Me (Elizabeth's P.O.V)

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A/N: Just to brighten things up, this chapter is from Elizabeth's point of view :)

The morning of 2008, July 24

The alarm clock beeped annoyingly as I sat up straight away, feeling around for the alarm clock so I could shut it up. I moved my hand through my hair with both hands as I looked around and noticed that there were only a weak source of light shimmering through the opened curtains. I rolled off the warm and cosy bed, balancing my wobbly self on two feet as I dragged the heavy and tired body into the bathroom. My hand felt around the bench for any hair lackey laying around; tying my hair up into a messy bun. After I was finished with my essentials, I applied the normal amount of make up on - mascara and a swipe of pink lip gloss. Today was going to be great since tomorrow's my 17th birthday and I was so looking forwards to it. I hummed to myself as I sauntered over to my white wardrobe.

"Mum! Have you seen my pencil skirt?" I yelled loudly as I rummaged through the pile of shorts and skirts.

"It should be in the other basket that I gave to you yesterday honey," Mom replied.

"Thanks Mom," I moved over to the basket near the door and let my hand do the job of finding it. Once found, I slipped it on, pulling it a little further up so it was short enough to show my lengthy legs. I stepped in front of the full length mirror and admired how the skirt draped to my curves.

"Damn, I need to eat more. These need to get bigger," I mumbled as I cupped my b-cup breasts. I shrugged it off and headed back to my wardrobe, pulling a baby pink singlet off the hanger and slipping on. I grabbed my things and headed down stairs, the aroma of breakfast hitting my nose hard.

"Hmm, that smells nice mom," I complimented.

"Why thank you dear," she turned around to give me a peck but was stunned at my appearance, "Don't you think it's a bit cool for that Liz?"

"No, I think it'll be fine, plus my friends are going to celebrate my birthday today so I have to look my best," I grinned widely, sending her a wink.

"Oh okay dear," she giggled. My mother was a sweet woman. She had never got angry at me for doing things because I'm mostly reasonable. But she will never disapprove of me doing other things I do, so I had to put up an act on for everyone except for the friends at school.

"Do you want me to drop you off to school today?"

"No thanks, Michael's picking me up," Michael was my secret boyfriend. I didn't want to let my parents know because they'll freak out. They've specifically told me I wasn't allowed any, not giving me the reason why.

"Michael?" Mom's voice was a bit bitter, "Is there anything going on that I should know?"

"No Mom, you know how close I am to Michael. He said since it's my birthday, he'll do the favour," I lied with a straight face; it was something I specialized at.

"Of course honey, I just want you to remember to focus on your study," her voice edgy as she spoke.

As if coming at the right time, I heard the horn toot from outside and I kissed my mom goodbye, slamming the door shut as I raced outside and into the car.

"Babe, aren't you cold," Michael raised an eyebrow.

"That's all I get for going all out and trying to impress you?" I pouted.

"That's not what I meant," his low chuckled turned my pout into a smile, "Plus, you don't even need to try,"

"You are so sweet," I licked my lips as I leaned into him, tilting my head to the side. I could hear his breath hitched at I seductively licked his bottom lips. He chuckled as he pulled me to him; my lips smashed against his. Remembering that we were still in my drive way, I pushed away from him.

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