Chapter 11

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The branches wacked my face as I ran as fast as I could. I dodged trees and avoided any and all tree stumps. I glanaced back and I still saw him on my tail, literally. I picked up the pace but damn his wolf was fast. Only a few more minutes until I got back into our territory. Only a few more minutes until I was safe. The border was coming up and I was going to make it. It was so close that with one jump I could make it in.

I got myself prepared mentally and physically for the jump but it didn't work as planned. I lost my footing for one second and Caspian had me down. I felt a sharp pain in my kneck, he must have injected me with wolfsbane or something because I becane more weak and my vision became blurry. I instinctively shifted into my human form and was usless against his wolf. I huffed and puffed for air and screamed for him to get off of me. Caspian snapped at my kneck with his sharp teeth and got a good bite in.

Blood started to gush out of the wound like a waterfall. He was not gonna kill me today! I shifted back into my wolf and bit down hard and didn't let go. Blood stained his coat, leaving a bitter scent. He whimpered and eventually limped away from me. I wasn't gonna let him get away. I clawed his back as soon as I got close enough. Caspian immediately reacted by biting my tail. While I was down he scratched my snout and cut part of my eye. I couldn't fight anymore, the pain was intolerable. Caspian stood over me and showed his dominance but I was not gonna submit. Never to him, not in a million years. He bared his teeth and I just growled back with two times the force.

I could tell from Caspian that he was going for the kill. There was no avoiding it. I couldn't fight him any longer. His paws put pressure on my rib cage, his teeth started to slowly sink into my skin. I couldn't bite him because one of his paws was digging into my head right where he scratched me.

"Stop!" We both stood still when we heard a mighty yell. "Caspian! What the fuck!" The man grabbed him by the kneck and tossed him across the forest floor effortlessly. I couldn't quite see what he looked like because my vision was blurred by all the blood. "You had one job," he inspected my injuries and held me in place so I wouldn't jolt. "You had specific orders to sedate her not to fucking kill her! Now help me with her you fucking idiot! Tell T were on the way." That was the last thing I heard before darkness overwhelmed me and I passed out.


What happened? Where was I and how did I get here? I looked around at the field with tall grass swaying in the wind. The birds soared above the blue sky like airplanes. The sun shined vibrantly in my face and lit up the earth.

So they basically decided to dump me in the middle of nowhere. Shit! If I didn't start walking now, I would never make it home. I got up and inspected the area, looked for any signs of life. Nothing but the birds that soared in the sky and the small amount of plants. I opened up my mind link and tried to contact Clayton but I couldn't. "What the fuck is wrong with my mind link?"

I felt tired and out of energy. My stomach growled at me, protesting for food. I have to eat.. something. Those birds didn't seem appetizing and they would be impossible to catch, so I walked around and looked for any other food. Again, I found nothing. Maybe if I shift I can pick up a scent. I tried to over and over but I couldn't. What was wrong with me? I can't shift, I can't open mind link. I'm basically fucking useless.

Well there had to be a town around somewhere. All I knew was that I was not going to just stand around and cry about it. I picked up my feet and just started walking, I don't know where to but if I don't leave now I might never leave. I would say after about three hours I finally made it to a little town. It looked only about another mile. This time I started to run and it took about 8 minutes.

Everyone here looked lost and depressed. "Excuse me. Can you tell me where I am?"

"I'm afraid I can't darling. I'm new here just like you." She left without saying another word.

What does that even mean? I tapped on another person and got their attention. "Excuse me sir, can you tell me where I am? The date,time, and if you can tell me where the closest bus stop is?"

"It's October 30th and it seems to be about noon telling from the sun. As for the location, I have no idea. All I know is that we are east of the river. Maybe about three miles or so."

"How do you not know where you live?"

"I don't live here. My whole pack was taken down and torn apart by these rebels. They injected us with something and left us here to fend for ourselves. Those bastards injected us with something that basically makes us useless, like humans. I'm Ister by the way, from the Blue Moon pack, well I used to be in the Blue Moon pack."

Caspian and his group must have escaped and used the file to turn everyone human. What I didn't get though was how could he still be alive? He was killed right in front of me.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your pack. The same thing happened to me except my pack wasn't torn down. I guess I just saw something I wasn't suppose to see. I'm Aria by the way. Can you tell me any more information? Has anyone tried to escape this place or is it just usless?"

"Yes many people have tried to escape and get help but they never came back. None of them ever came back," he sighed.

"Well maybe if we go as a group-"

"No. We can't risk it. If you can manage to find a group that's willing to risk their lives than go ahead but as for now we can't risk anymore lives." He had a vaild point, I can't make people risk their lives.

"Well we have to figure out a plan. Caspian, the man who brought us here is working for humans who want to eventually destroy the werewolf population. We can't let this happen," I explained.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked.

"First we need to gather a group of people then we stick together and don't split up. Once we find a way out of here, we'll come back for the rest of you guys."

"Okay but you need to find people who will volunteer. We can't force anyone to go." If Gordian was here he would probably think of a better plan. I needed to contact him as soon as possible.

"One more thing, is there a centeral leader around here?" I asked.

"Yeah, Garnett. She is in the main headquarters and try not to make her mad. She can be very intimidating at times," the man warned.

Taking that information, I went to look for Garnett. I finally found her when a citizen pointed her out to me. I didn't know how to address her so I just tried to be as formal as possible. "Excuse me madam."

"Yes?" Her long red hair swung in her face and her bangs hung over her eyes.

"Hello. I'm Aria. I may have a plan so that we can get out of here," I have a friendly smile.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "If you want me to here your plan then you'll have to wait in line like everyone else my dear." She pointed to the line that had to be a mile long.

I wasn't going to wait in line and I wasn't gonna play nice. Everything is at stake here. "I don't mean to be rude but if you don't listen to my idea then your putting everything at risk."

She scoffed, "What do you know about leadership. This is a democracy, we hear everyone's ideas."

"What do I know about leadership? Well I am an alpha if that counts for anything. I think you're underestimating me. If Caspian has the file then that means we need to stop him before he destroys all the werewolves."

Her eyes widened in surprise. She pulled me to the side and whispered, "you know about the file?! That information is classified "

"Yes. My dad created it. If the information is classified then how do you know about it?"

She looked around to see if anyone was near. "Well when those guys tore apart my pack, I snuck into their car and found out everything about their evil plan. I haven't told anyone because I don't want to panic everyone. When I did tell another leader, he didn't believe me. He thought I was being childish."

I felt relief and I'm glad she understood. "Well it doesn't matter if they panic or not and it doesn't matter if they believe you because I do. We need to do something before Caspian turns more werewolves into humans and eventually kill off the whole population. He has an advantage because he's working for humans but-" she cut me off before I got to finish. I gave her a confused look.

"Aria, Caspian is not working for the humans. He's working for vampires..."

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