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(Spoilers for Tales of the Peculiar)

I was walking in the forest where I am about to head to the Loop's location that's hidden deep on the other side of the forest.

I was taking a shortcut that's less branchy and more light than the other path that the children from the house use when they want to come here in my timeline to see the house after the Nazi bomb had actually hit the roof of the house in September 3rd, 1940.

Today I am having a few lessons with Nana Peregrine about Peculiar history and knowledge of my kind. I finally arrived at the Loop's cave and went in. I was greeted with the scent of drenched rocks and moss along with the darkness of the cave.

I walked further into the cave until I was at the dead end of it. I waited for thirty seconds until I started walking to where I arrived. I stop 'til I was midway of the cave and took out a sleeved sundress that stop to my ankles and a pair of military boots.

Reason I'm doing this was because three years ago, on the hottest day in Cairnholm, I decided to wear shorts on the day of my lessons. It took me at least a few stares from the people of the village to realise the mistake that I've done by wearing a clothing rom the 21st century. During my walk in the village I had gotten glares from maidens and catcalls from perverted fishermen.

I was grateful to Emma for handing me one of her sundresses when it was time for me to go back home.

Once I was done changing into my 30's clothes I went out of the cave and started walking into the forest 'til I reached the village.

It was more quiet than the village in my timeline since there no generators and just plain carriages and horses. Chickens where running freely around the road and along with children who were playing with a ball but had to stop for the carriage to pass.

I checked my watch of Loop's's timeline. I have two watches on my wrist, one that tells the time of my timeline and one of for the Loop.

Suddenly I was greeted by none other than Benson. A sixteen 17 years old boy from this timeline and was trying to get my attention. Mostly my hand in marriage.

It took me almost a year and a half to make him to leave me alone faster than our first encounter even though he doesn't remember anything after the next day after September 3rd 1940.

Last time when things got out of hand, Nana had no choice but to slaughter the town.


"Hello there love, are you-" He started but I cut him off.

"New here, yes." I continued walking until he block my path again.

"Are you-"

"From England yes, the war in England was terrible so my parents decided to send me here to live in the house in the forest. And yes, yes that house."

"What are you? some kind of wizard." He said because of my sass.

"No. Now if you would excuse me I prefer not to be late and make my guardian. And if you try to fallow me there will be a few children including my guardian who would gladly like to asked why there was a boy stalking me from a far."

He stood there in disbelief and step aside for me to past.

"Thank you." I said began to walk to my destination.


"Now, repeat after me. Marvos-" Here I was, in Nana's classroom where I am thought to learn the language of Syndrigast. Which is one of the most important lesson that a Ymbryne should learn.

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